i think the title sums it up, i tried to run same query on both pgadmin and java springboot.
here is my query annotation on springboot
@Query(value = "SELECT column1, column FROM public.v_example where start_date = ?1 and end_date = ?2", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Object[]> getExample();
i was calling from database views but it had no problem when i run the query directly on the database using pgadmin, when i tried it on java, it called nothing.
i was putting it inside a List<Object[]>.
Before, i was using a different query that works on both platform, the query was without where condition. Putting it on the same List<Object[]>.
Turns out, I have mistaken the day with the month when I was inputting data. For example it should've been, the 5th of January instead of the 1st of May. A silly mistake.
I’m surprised the repository method doesn’t cause an exception.
In the query you are referencing 2 parameters, but in the repository you are providing none, by having a method without arguments.
In the repo call you missed the arguments.