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I have a problem in django trying to exclude or include part of the filter if the parameter is null.

I have 4 parameters in my model:
StartDate, EndDate, Severity and Source.

The filter can have one or more of these parameters. If I pass 1 of them the others could be None unless they are defined.

I was able to solve my problem with query raw by doing

WHERE (param IS NULL OR param=param)

and the same in django

"""SELECT * FROM mymanagelogs_logs WHERE (%(severity)s IS NULL OR severity=%(severity)s) AND (%(source)s IS NULL OR source=%(source)s) AND (%(start_date)s IS NULL OR timestamp >= %(start_date)s) AND (%(end_date)s IS NULL OR timestamp <= %(end_date)s)""",
params={'severity': severity, 'source': source, 'start_date':start, 'end_date':end}

but I can’t do the same QuerySet:

objects.filter(Q(date__range=(start, end)) & (Q(severity=severity) | Q(severity=None))

Any ideas?



  1. You could try and build the queryset incrementally. For example:

    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    if severity is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(severity=severity)
    if source is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(source=source)
    if start is not None and end is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(date__range=(start, end))
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  2. queryset = MyModel.objects.filter(Q(severity=severity) | Q(severity__isnull=True), date__range=(start, end))

    __isnull is used to check for NULL data.

    Also no need of using & for MYSQL ‘AND’ as filter checks using ‘AND’ by default.

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