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How can I enforce the following business logic in my database schema, without using application code:

  • a user must belong to exactly one company
  • a company can have multiple vehicles
  • a vehicle can have multiple companies
  • a user can have multiple vehicles, but these vehicles must be a subset of the vehicles that are linked to the user’s company (i.e. a user cannot be linked to a vehicle that it’s company does not have access to)

This is what I have so far:

create table companies (
    id serial primary key,
    name varchar not null,

create table vehicles (
    id serial primary key,
    name varchar not null,

create table users (
    id serial primary key,
    company_id integer not null,
    name varchar not null,
    foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)

create table vehicle_companies (
    id serial primary key,
    vehicle_id integer not null,
    company_id integer not null,
    foreign key (vehicle_id) references vehicles(id),
    foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)

create table user_vehicles (
    user_id integer not null,
    vehicle_company_id integer not null,
    foreign key (user_id) references users(id),
    foreign key (vehicle_company_id) references vehicle_companies(id)

How can I ensure that all times the rows in the user_vehicles table only reference vehicle_companies records that have a company_id which is the same as their referenced users table records’ company_id?

I am using postgres.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This schema solved it for me:

    create table companies (
        id serial primary key,
        name varchar not null,
    create table vehicles (
        id serial primary key,
        name varchar not null,
    create table users (
        id serial primary key,
        company_id integer not null,
        name varchar not null,
        unique (id, company_id),
        foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)
    create table vehicle_companies (
        id serial primary key,
        vehicle_id integer not null,
        company_id integer not null,
        unique (vehicle_id, company_id),
        foreign key (vehicle_id) references vehicles(id),
        foreign key (company_id) references companies(id)
    create table user_vehicles (
        id serial primary key,
        user_id integer not null,
        vehicle_id integer not null,
        company_id integer not null,
        unique (id),
        unique (vehicle_id, company_id),
        foreign key (user_id, company_id) references users(id, company_id),
        foreign key (vehicle_id, company_id) references vehicle_companies(vehicle_id, company_id)

    DB fiddle

  2. You are trying enforce referential integrity across independent entities (tables). You cannot do that with simple constraints (perhaps an Exclude Constraint – but I do not think so). To accomplish that you will need a trigger on user_vehicles.

    create or replace function validate_user_vehicle_company() 
        returns trigger 
       language plpgsql
    as $$
        if not exists( select null 
                         from users u 
                         join vehicle_companies v 
                           on ( v.company_id = u.company_id) 
                        where  = new.user_id
                          and v.company_id = new.vehicle_company_id 
                          and v.vehicle_id = new.vehicle_company_id     
           raise exception E'During % on %.%nUser.company_id does not match vehicle_companies.company_id' ,tg_op,tg_table_schema,tg_table_name; 
        end if;
         return new;
    create or replace trigger user_vehicles_biur
       before insert or update 
       on user_vehicles 
       for each row 
       execute function validate_user_vehicle_company();

    I have put together a short demo here, with very simple data values.

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