I’m practicing with queries optimization. In particular, tuning work_mem parameter.
There’s the DB diagram: https://postgrespro.com/docs/postgrespro/12/apks02.
I have a sql function get_passengers_and_flights:
CREATE FUNCTION get_passengers_and_flights(d timestamptz)
RETURNS TABLE(passenger_name text, flight_no text)
AS $$
SELECT t.passenger_name, f.flight_no
FROM tickets t
JOIN ticket_flights tf ON tf.ticket_no = t.ticket_no
JOIN flights f ON f.flight_id = tf.flight_id
WHERE f.scheduled_departure >= date_trunc('month', d)
AND f.scheduled_departure < date_trunc('month', d) + interval '1 month'
ORDER BY f.scheduled_departure, t.passenger_name;
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
And a simple query:
SELECT * FROM get_passengers_and_flights('2017-06-01') LIMIT 3;
By default workmem = ‘4MB’, so sorting takes some time. One of the ways to make it better to increase work_mem from ‘4MB’ to ’32MB’ or more. In the latest versions of postgresql we can do it localy (for function, table and etc.):
ALTER FUNCTION get_passengers_and_flights SET work_mem = '32MB';
So, quicksort was chosen and execution time decreased.
But the question is how can I see work_mem local value for get_passengers_and_flights function?
Obvious way to get work_mem‘s value is:
SELECT current_setting('work_mem');
The output is global value ‘4MB’, so how can I get local ’32MB’? I skimmed through system catalogs description and got nothing.
The following query should give the desired results:
NULL is returned if work_mem has not been locally configured for the function.
If all you want is to see properties of the created function, use the dedicated system information function
:This gets the function OID reliably – assuming it’s created in schema