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I am using DuckDB and want to process some time-series data that has the following format:

│     Timestamps      │  Open   │  High   │   Low   │  Close  │ Volume │ CustomDate │
│      timestamp      │ double  │ double  │ double  │ double  │ int32  │  varchar   │
│ 2006-04-11 12:00:00 │ 1.21245 │ 1.21275 │ 1.21235 │ 1.21275 │      0 │ 2006-04-11 │
│ 2006-04-11 12:05:00 │ 1.21275 │ 1.21275 │ 1.21225 │ 1.21235 │      0 │ 2006-04-11 │
│ 2006-04-11 12:10:00 │ 1.21235 │ 1.21235 │ 1.21205 │ 1.21225 │      0 │ 2006-04-11 │
│          ·          │     ·   │     ·   │     ·   │    ·    │      · │     ·      │
│          ·          │     ·   │     ·   │     ·   │    ·    │      · │     ·      │
│          ·          │     ·   │     ·   │     ·   │    ·    │      · │     ·      │
│ 2023-01-31 22:55:00 │ 1.08705 │  1.0873 │ 1.08705 │ 1.08725 │      0 │ 2023-01-31 │
│ 2023-01-31 23:00:00 │ 1.08725 │ 1.08735 │   1.087 │ 1.08705 │      0 │ 2023-01-31 │
│ 2023-01-31 23:05:00 │ 1.08705 │  1.0871 │ 1.08695 │  1.0871 │      0 │ 2023-01-31 │

I am looking for a "complex" SQL query that can accomplish the following:

  • Select a specific time frame in a day (f.e. 10:25:00 – 13:40:00)
  • In this timeframe I want to get the MAX value from f.e High and the MIN value from Low
  • I also need the corresponding timestamps so that I know when the MAX and MIN values occurred
  • I want the result grouped by day
  • I want to further analyze and query the result

This is how the result should ideally look like:

    Day    | HighMAX |     HighMAXTime     |  LowMIN  |     LowMINTime
2023-01-29 | 1.07545 | 2023-01-29 04:10:00 |  1.0726  | 2023-01-29 18:05:00
2023-01-30 | 1.08465 | 2023-01-30 23:55:00 |  1.08015 | 2023-01-30 15:35:00
2023-01-31 ...

This is the SQL query I currently have:

WITH mySession AS (
    SELECT *, strftime(Timestamps, '%Y-%m-%d') AS CustomDate,
    WHERE (Timestamps BETWEEN CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 12:00:00')::timestamp AND CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 15:30:00')::timestamp)
getSpecificData AS (
    MIN(Low) AS LowOfSession,
    MAX(High) AS HighOfSession
  FROM mySession
  GROUP BY CustomDate
  ORDER BY CustomDate DESC
SELECT * FROM getSpecificData;

Current result:

│ CustomDate │ LowOfSession │ HighOfSession │
│  varchar   │    double    │    double     │
│ 2023-01-26 │      1.08505 │        1.0906 │
│ 2023-01-25 │       1.0874 │        1.0925 │
│ 2023-01-24 │       1.0835 │       1.08905 │
│     ·      │          ·   │           ·   │
│     ·      │          ·   │           ·   │
│     ·      │          ·   │           ·   │
│ 2006-04-13 │      1.20945 │       1.21175 │
│ 2006-04-12 │       1.2094 │       1.21145 │
│ 2006-04-11 │      1.21205 │       1.21415 │

Currently I get the MIN Lows and MAX Highs but I don’t know how to also retrieve the corresponding timestamps of these values.



  1. You want the window functions first_value and last_value. (DuckDB doc)

    WITH mySession AS (
            SELECT *, strftime(Timestamps, '%Y-%m-%d') AS CustomDate,
            FROM EURUSD, 
            WHERE (Timestamps BETWEEN CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 12:00:00')::timestamp AND CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 15:30:00')::timestamp)
        getSpecificData AS (
            FIRST_VALUE(timestamps) over (PARTITION BY CustomDate order by Low) as LowOfSession_timestamp,
            LAST_VALUE(timestamps) over (PARTITION BY CustomDate order by High) as HighOfSession_timestamp,
            FIRST_VALUE(Low) over (PARTITION BY CustomDate order by Low) as LowOfSession_value,
            LAST_VALUE(High) over (PARTITION BY CustomDate order by High) as HighOfSession_value,
          FROM mySession
          ORDER BY CustomDate DESC
        SELECT * FROM getSpecificData;
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  2. You can do it by inner join your select with the EURUSD table to get Timestamps needed :

     WITH mySession AS (
        SELECT *
        WHERE (Timestamps BETWEEN CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 12:00:00')::timestamp AND CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 15:30:00')::timestamp)
    getSpecificData AS (
        MIN(Low) AS LowOfSession,
        MAX(High) AS HighOfSession
      FROM mySession
      GROUP BY CustomDate
      ORDER BY CustomDate DESC
    getDetails As (
      select s.*, l.Timestamps as TimestampsOfLow, h.Timestamps as TimestampsOfHigh
      from getSpecificData as s
      inner join mySession as l on s.LowOfSession = l.low and s.CustomDate = l.CustomDate
      inner join mySession as h on s.HighOfSession = h.High and s.CustomDate = h.CustomDate
    SELECT customdate, lowofsession, highofsession, max(timestampsoflow), max(TimestampsOfHigh) FROM getDetails
    group by customdate, lowofsession, highofsession;
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  3. You could try this query

    WITH mySession AS (
        SELECT *, strftime(Timestamps, '%Y-%m-%d') AS CustomDate,
        FROM EURUSD, 
        WHERE (Timestamps BETWEEN CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 12:00:00')::timestamp AND CONCAT(CustomDate, ' 15:30:00')::timestamp)
    minMaxData AS (
        MIN(Low) AS LowOfSession,
        MAX(High) AS HighOfSession
      FROM mySession
      GROUP BY CustomDate
    getSpecificData AS (
        m.HighOfSession AS HighMAX,
        s1.Timestamps AS HighMAXTime,      
        m.LowOfSession AS LowMIN,
        s2.Timestamps AS LowMINTime
      FROM minMaxData m 
        INNER JOIN mySession s1 ON m.CustomDate = s1.CustomDate AND m.HighOfSession = s1.High
        INNER JOIN mySession s2 ON m.CustomDate = s2.CustomDate AND m.LowOfSession = s2.Low
      ORDER BY m.CustomDate DESC
    SELECT * FROM getSpecificData;
    Login or Signup to reply.
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