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I want to improve the performance of these 2 queries:

select object into latitude  
from data
where predicate = 'latitude' 
and subject = ( select object 
                from data 
                where subject = (select object 
                                 from data 
                                  where subject = 'url1' and predicate = '#isLocatedAt') 
and predicate = '');

select object into Longitude  
from data 
where predicate = 'longitude' 
and subject = ( select object 
                from data 
                where subject = (select object 
                                 from data 
                                 where subject = 'url1' and predicate = '#isLocatedAt') 
and predicate = '');


I don’t have an index on data.object because it’s a text and it’s too big.

Explain analyse (for 1 requête):

Index Scan using subjectetpredicate on data  (cost=25.19..36.76 rows=3 width=63) (actual time=34.299..34.303 rows=1 loops=1)
  Index Cond: (((subject)::text = $1) AND ((predicate)::text = 'latitude'::text))
  InitPlan 2 (returns $1)
    ->  Index Scan using subjectetpredicate on data data_2  (cost=12.94..24.50 rows=3 width=63) (actual time=31.374..31.379 rows=1 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (((subject)::text = $0) AND ((predicate)::text = 'geo'::text))
          InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
            ->  Index Scan using subjectetpredicate on data data_1  (cost=0.69..12.25 rows=3 width=63) (actual time=0.329..0.332 rows=1 loops=1)
                  Index Cond: (((subject)::text = 'url1'::text) AND ((predicate)::text = '#isLocatedAt'::text))
Planning Time: 1.071 ms
Execution Time: 34.359 ms



  1. Your query plan shows that you’re doing 6 index scans sequentially. Rewrite your script so that you have to do only 4, by storing the shared result in a temporary variable:

    select object into geolocation
    --            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    from data
    where predicate = ''
      and subject = (select object 
                     from data 
                     where predicate = '#isLocatedAt'
                       and subject = 'url1');
    select object into latitude  
    from data
    where predicate = 'latitude' 
      and subject = geolocation;
    --              ^^^^^^^^^^^
    select object into longitude  
    from data 
    where predicate = 'longitude' 
      and subject = geolocation;
    --              ^^^^^^^^^^^

    You can achieve the same in a single query (which doesn’t necessarily make it any faster or easier to read) by using a CTE or simply by flipping your subqueries to get a result with multiple columns:

        select object  
        from data
        where predicate = 'longitude'
          and subject = geolocation
      ), (
        select object
        from data
        where predicate = 'latitude'
          and subject = geolocation
      into longitude, latitude
    from (
      select object as geolocation
      from data
      where predicate = ''
        and subject = (select object 
                       from data 
                       where predicate = '#isLocatedAt'
                         and subject = 'url1')
    ) as temp;
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  2. Instead of nested subqueries, we can rethink this as a series of self-joins and flip it on its head. I find this much easier to understand, and it’s much faster (at least on this tiny dataset).

    1. url1, #isLocatedAt, y
    2. y,, z
    3. z, (latitude, longitude)

    To do it in a single query, filter it on where predicate in ('latitude', 'longitude').

      l2.predicate, l2.object
    from data l0
    join data l1 on l0.object = l1.subject and l1.predicate  = ''
    join data l2 on l1.object = l2.subject and l2.predicate in ('latitude', 'longitude')
    where l0.subject = 'url1' and l0.predicate = '#isLocatedAt'

    This is a couple orders of magnitude faster, though it would have to be run against a realistic amount of data to matter.

    Nested Loop  (cost=0.43..24.51 rows=1 width=548) (actual time=0.040..0.042 rows=2 loops=1)
      ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.29..16.34 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.022..0.023 rows=1 loops=1)
            Join Filter: (l0.object = (l1.subject)::text)
            ->  Index Scan using subjectetpredicate on data l0  (cost=0.14..8.16 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.011..0.012 rows=1 loops=1)
                  Index Cond: (((subject)::text = 'url1'::text) AND ((predicate)::text = '#isLocatedAt'::text))
            ->  Index Scan using predicate on data l1  (cost=0.14..8.16 rows=1 width=548) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 loops=1)
                  Index Cond: ((predicate)::text = ''::text)
      ->  Index Scan using subjectetpredicate on data l2  (cost=0.14..8.16 rows=1 width=1064) (actual time=0.017..0.018 rows=2 loops=1)
            Index Cond: ((subject)::text = l1.object)
            Filter: ((predicate)::text = ANY ('{latitude,longitude}'::text[]))
    Planning Time: 0.192 ms
    Execution Time: 0.072 ms


    This approach is also a step towards generalizing it as a recursive CTE.

    Note that you don’t need an index on subject because you have an index on (subject, predicate).

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