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I have a requirement. I need to take count of same tables from two different schema. The required output should be like (see screenshot here)

schema table_name count
sch1 table1 1000
sch2 table1 500
sch1 table2 3000
sch2 table2 1000

this is to take count difference of table from schema1 and schema2. so i get an output in above fashion i can use LAG() or LEAD function. Please help

I tried many ways. But all result I’m getting related to group by usage only which will not maintain the expected fashion.



  1. Probably the most straightforward way of doing this is by making UNION ALL of 4 subqueries, each retrieving your counts from your four tables.

    SELECT 'sch1' AS schema, 'table1' AS tablename, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM sch1.table1
    SELECT 'sch2',           'table1',              COUNT(*)        FROM sch2.table1
    SELECT 'sch1',           'table2',              COUNT(*)        FROM sch1.table2
    SELECT 'sch2',           'table2',              COUNT(*)        FROM sch2.table2
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  2. When the list of tables cannot be hard-coded (say you need to iterate on information_schema.tables), dynamic SQL must be used. For each table, a query must be generated, and then executed in a second step.

    You may use this function to generate and execute the row count of a given table:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION row_count(schema_name text, table_name text)
     RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $function$
     cnt bigint;
       EXECUTE format('select count(*) from %I.%I',
                  schema_name, table_name)
        INTO cnt;
       RETURN cnt;

    Then use it in the following query to get in a single result set all row counts of tables that exist with the same name in multiple schemas:

    WITH list(s,t) as (select table_schema, table_name
      from information_schema.tables
      where table_type='BASE TABLE'
        and table_schema in ('schema1', 'schema2')
    SELECT l1.s, l1.t, row_count(l1.s, l1.t)
      FROM list l1 JOIN list l2 ON l1.t=l2.t and l1.s<>l2.s;
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