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I use the following code to create a table if it does not exist yet:

    PGconn*     conn;
    PGnotify*   notify;
    PGresult*   createTableRes;

        createTableRes = PQexec(conn, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_xyz (xyzId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, xyz VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL)");
        notify = PQnotifies(conn);
        if (notify != NULL)
            char* extraStr = notify->extra;
        errorDescribed = PQerrorMessage(conn);

        if (PQresultStatus(createTableRes) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
            errorDescribed = PQerrorMessage(conn);
            my_logger.error("could not create table t_xyz, errorMessage:{}", errorDescribed);
  "created table t_xyz successfully.");

I would have expected to get a notify when the table exists since the console logs "relation already exists skipping" but notify is always NULL.
I would like to catch that notification so that I could log something like "table t_xyz existed already" instead of "created table t_xyz successfully".
How could I do that?

I’ve searched for solutions but only found hints to use "set client_min_messages=NOTICE" and I tried to do that using

setRes = PQexec(conn, "set client_min_messages=INFO");

before creating the table but it did not change anything.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Earlier, I just had time for a quick and dirty try to confirm Laurenz's solution works.

    For anyone interested in how exactly it works, here is the modified version of my original code. Since PQsetNoticeReceiver expects a void function, I created a global variable notifyStr that stores the received notice so that I can evaluate it.

    PGconn*     conn;
    PGnotify*   notify;
    PGresult*   createTableRes;
    std::string notifyStr = "";
    static void
    myrecv(void *arg, const PGresult *res)
        notifyStr = PQresultErrorField(res, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY);
        printf("Received NOTICE: "%s"n", notifyStr.c_str()); 
        PQsetNoticeReceiver(conn, myrecv, NULL);
        createTableRes = PQexec(conn, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_xyz (xyzId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, xyz VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL)");
        notify = PQnotifies(conn);
        if (notify != NULL)
            char* extraStr = notify->extra;
        errorDescribed = PQerrorMessage(conn);
        if (PQresultStatus(createTableRes) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
            errorDescribed = PQerrorMessage(conn);
            my_logger.error("could not create table t_xyz, errorMessage:{}", errorDescribed);
            if (notifyStr.find("already exists") != std::string::npos)
      "table t_xyz existed already.");
      "created table t_xyz successfully.");
            notifyStr = "";

  2. You are mixing up two different things: notice processing and asynchronous notification. The former is what you want, the latter is what PQnotifies() is about.

    You should call PQsetNoticeReceiver() to register a notice receiver, which will be called whenever a notice arrives in the course of statement execution.

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