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I’m trying to make a table in which I can generate a column value based on another column value.

For instance:

id (primary key)(identity)(int) temp_id (varchar) desc (varchar)
1 temp1 hello
2 temp2 hello brother

temp_id column’s value should be set automatically like (‘temp’ + id) based on id’s value of that row.

I tried to go through this example but was unable to achieve my goal.



  1. You can use a generated column:

    create table the_table 
      id int primary key generated always as identity,
      temp_id text generated always as ('temp'||id::text) stored,
      "desc" text

    But why store this at all? A view that returns that expression would be more efficient.

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  2. Usually, in such cases, it is not necessary to update any field, it is enough to generate and display this field every time you write select.

    select *, 'temp' || id::text as temp_id from table

    Or you can create view only one time and use this anytime anywhere:

    create view tableview as 
    select *, 'temp' || id::text as temp_id from table;
    select * from tableview;

    If you need this field only in table then you can use generate always field for during creating this table.

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