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I am new to PostgreSql, I am having a table like below,

enter image description here

I need to get output as count of the given word (test) in text_col like below table using ts_vector function,
Please give me some suggestion, Thanks !.

enter image description here



  1. What about counting spaces?

    The following takes the length of the original string, calculates the length of the string removing the spaces and then sums 1

    with first_sel as (
        select 'Ciao io sono Ugo' mytext union all
        select 'Ciao io non sono Ugo' 
    select mytext, length(mytext) - length(replace(mytext, ' ','')) + 1 nr_words from first_sel;


            mytext        | nr_words
     Ciao io sono Ugo     |        4
     Ciao io non sono Ugo |        5
    (2 rows)

    If it’s not only about spaces you can try removing the needed characters with regex_replace

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  2. SELECT filename, cardinality(string_to_array(text_col,'test'))-1 
    FROM documents;


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  3. Using tsvector is like (globally)

    select * from ts_stat('select to_tsvector(text_col) from document_table')
    where word='test';

    where ndoc is number of rows (documents) and nentry number of occurrences of the word

    Or by row

    select file_name, text_col, to_tsvector(text_col), 
    substring(to_tsvector(text_col)::text, '''test'':(d+(,d+)*)') positions_in_text,
    length(regexp_replace(substring(to_tsvector(text_col)::text, '''test'':(d+(,d+)*)'), '[^,]', '', 'g'))+1 occurrences 
    from document_table
    where text_col @@ to_tsquery('test');
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