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I have 2 table

CREATE TABLE json_data_table(d_id int, d1_json json, d2_json json);
CREATE TABLE user_data(uid int, username varchar);

and data respectively are


INSERT INTO json_data_table VALUES 
  (1,'{"stage1":1,"stage2":2 }', '{
    "stage1": {
        "date": "12-01-2023",
        "status": "open",
        "uid": "2"
    "stage2": {
        "date": "22-01-2023",
        "status": "close",
        "uid": "1"
  (2,'{"stage1":11,"stage2":21 }', '{
    "stage1": {
        "date": "21-2-2023",
        "status": "open",
        "uid": "3"
    "stage2": {
        "date": "2-2-2023",
        "status": "close",
        "uid": "2"

Now i want to join user_data table with json_data_table with uid to get username

Expected table output:

enter image description here

I got the other columns by simply fetching json->>key_name here is select query.

SELECT d1_json->>'stage1' as stage1, 
       d1_json->>'stage2' as stage2, 
       d2_json->'stage1'->>'date' as s1_date, 
       d2_json->'stage1'->>'status' as s1_status, 
       d2_json->'stage1'->>'uid' as s1_uid,  
       d2_json->'stage2'->>'date' as s2_date, 
       d2_json->'stage2'->>'status' as s2_status, 
       d2_json->'stage2'->>'uid' as s2_uid 
FROM json_data_table AS jd;

How to join table to get expected table as shown in image?



  1. You just join it and use the expression to extract the uid in the join condition.
    And since you need to different sets of user_data you need to join the table twice.
    And finally since uid is a number and JSON consists of text you have to convert between the two.
    I opted to do the conversion on the JSON side, since this enables usage of an index for user_data which seems reasonable to exist in the real use case.

    SELECT d1_json->>'stage1' as stage1, 
           d1_json->>'stage2' as stage2, 
           d2_json->'stage1'->>'date' as s1_date, 
           d2_json->'stage1'->>'status' as s1_status, 
           d2_json->'stage1'->>'uid' as s1_uid,  
           s1ud.username as s1_username,
           d2_json->'stage2'->>'date' as s2_date, 
           d2_json->'stage2'->>'status' as s2_status, 
           d2_json->'stage2'->>'uid' as s2_uid,  
           s2ud.username as s2_username 
    FROM json_data_table AS jd
    join user_data s1ud
    on s1ud.uid = to_number( d2_json->'stage1'->>'uid', '999')
    join user_data s2ud
    on s2ud.uid = to_number( d2_json->'stage2'->>'uid', '999');

    DB-Fiddle to play with.

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  2. Try this:

      d1_json ->> 'stage1' as stage1, 
      d1_json ->> 'stage2' as stage2, 
      d2_json -> 'stage1' ->> 'date' as s1_date, 
      d2_json -> 'stage1' ->> 'status' as s1_status, 
      d2_json -> 'stage1' ->> 'uid' as s1_uid, 
        s1_user.username as s1_username, 
      d2_json -> 'stage2' ->> 'date' as s2_date, 
      d2_json -> 'stage2' ->> 'status' as s2_status, 
      d2_json -> 'stage2' ->> 'uid' as s2_uid, 
      s2_user.username as s2_username 
      json_data_table AS jd 
      JOIN user_data s2_user ON s2_user.uid :: TEXT = d2_json -> 'stage2' ->> 'uid' :: TEXT 
      JOIN user_data s1_user ON s1_user.uid :: TEXT = d2_json -> 'stage1' ->> 'uid' :: TEXT;
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