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I am attempting to find percentage change per each month per company.

    Year    Mon         company_id    Revenue   
    2018    2018-06-01      42          2000         
    2018    2018-07-01      42          3000
    2019    2019-06-01      42          4000         
    2019    2019-07-01      42          9000       

I attempted this and failed.

select *, lag(Revenue) over(partition by company_id order by Year) from table

working to get the bellow result ( the table has multiple company_ids)

    Year    Mon         company_id     Revenue   percentage change 
    2018    2018-06-01      42          2000         
    2018    2018-07-01      42          3000
    2019    2019-06-01      42          4000         100 
    2019    2019-07-01      42          9000         200



  1. Woof!

    You need to tickle out the month so that you can partition by it:

    WITH subq AS (
       SELECT year, mon, company_id, revenue,
              lag(revenue) OVER (PARTITION BY company_id, extract(month FROM mon)
                                 ORDER BY year) AS prev_revenue
       FROM "table"
    SELECT year, mon, company_id, revenue,
           (revenue - prev_revenue) * 100.0 / prev_revenue AS percent_change
    FROM subq;

    This assumes that the date stored in mon only serves to identify the month, and that the "year" part of it (which is different from year) is irrelevant.

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  2. You may use a window function to get exact the row with offset one year in the past.

     max(revenue) over (partition by company_id  order by mon range between '1 year' PRECEDING  and '1 year' PRECEDING ) revenue_lag

    This will work even if you have a missing data for some year (you will not match a two or more years old revenue).

    Unfortunately this does not work for me in 14.6 with LAG (not sure if per design), so I’m using MAX.


    with tab as (
    select * from (values 
    (2018,date'2018-06-01', 42, 2000),
    (2018,date'2018-07-01', 42, 3000),
    (2018,date'2018-07-15', 42, 3020),
    (2019,date'2019-06-01', 42, 4000),
    (2019,date'2019-07-01', 42, 9000)
    ) tab(year, mon, company_id, revenue)
    select tab.*,
    max(revenue) over (partition by company_id  order by mon range between '1 year' PRECEDING  and '1 year' PRECEDING ) revenue_lag,
    lag(revenue) over (partition by company_id  order by mon range between '1 year' PRECEDING  and '1 year' PRECEDING ) lag
    from tab
    year|mon       |company_id|revenue|revenue_lag|lag |
    2018|2018-06-01|        42|   2000|           |    |
    2018|2018-07-01|        42|   3000|           |2000|
    2018|2018-07-15|        42|   3020|           |3000|
    2019|2019-06-01|        42|   4000|       2000|3020|
    2019|2019-07-01|        42|   9000|       3000|4000|
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