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i have 3 postgreSQL tables each with different dates stored in schema cm_nokia.

enter image description here

I want to create a view with the content of the table having the most recent date . I used the following query to get me the name of the most recent table

    FROM (
        SELECT table_name,
               REGEXP_REPLACE(table_name, 'D', '', 'g') AS table_date
        FROM information_schema.tables
        WHERE table_name LIKE 'umts_cells_%'
    ) AS t
    WHERE table_name = (SELECT table_name FROM (SELECT table_name,
            REGEXP_REPLACE(table_name, 'D', '', 'g') AS table_date
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_name LIKE 'umts_cells_%') t2
        ORDER BY table_date DESC
        LIMIT 1) 

and it returned me correct:

enter image description here

i want to dynamically use the result of this query which is "umts_cells_20230427" to put it in a SELECT query :SELECT * FROM cm_nokia.umts_cells_20230427 but i don’t know how to pass the string as a table name in this query.



  1. You can use a dynamic query to build the view, which has to run inside a function or inside an anonymous block:

    DO $$
        EXECUTE format('CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_latest AS SELECT * FROM %s ', table_name)
        FROM  (
            FROM (
                SELECT table_name,
                       REGEXP_REPLACE(table_name, 'D', '', 'g') AS table_date
                FROM information_schema.tables
                WHERE table_name LIKE 'umts_cells_%'
            ) AS t
            WHERE table_name = (SELECT table_name FROM (SELECT table_name,
                    REGEXP_REPLACE(table_name, 'D', '', 'g') AS table_date
                    FROM information_schema.tables
                    WHERE table_name LIKE 'umts_cells_%') t2
                ORDER BY table_date DESC
                LIMIT 1) )sub;
    END $$;
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  2. First of all you should take some case to prevent SQL Injection while passing table names as strings.

    The proposal below uses regclass parameter to prevent unwanted side effects in a function that gets as a parameter the table name and returns the cursor of the table data.

    I assume that all your tables have a identical structure, so simple choose one of them as the RETURNS rettype (in the example RETURNS setof t1)

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_query(tbl_name regclass)
    RETURNS setof t1 
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
    AS $$
        RETURN QUERY  EXECUTE format('SELECT * FROM %I', tbl_name); 

    Simplified use case for tables t1 and t2

    select * from exec_query('t1');
    select * from exec_query('t2');

    Usage with a query (again simplified)

    select * from exec_query((select 't1'));
    select * from exec_query((select 't2')) where a = 2;

    See this answer more detailed discussion about the table name parameter

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