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I have string like fd_val__pharmacy_1_2_3_text

In that above string i want replace

  1. double underscore with single underscore
  2. replace fd_ with blank
  3. replace _1, _2, _3 with blank.

I am tried by using Replace function multiple times. But i want to do it by using regexp_replace function only once. Is it possible. Please help me with the query.

Output of the query should be val_pharmacy_text



  1. To get the desired output as stated above you can use the following query to solve it.The query is as follows:

      ) AS replaced_string;

    sample illustration and implementation can be found here:

    Hope this helps

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  2. As of Postgres 16, there’s no built-in function that generically does multiple replacements in a single pass.
    The Perl substitution operator provides an efficient way do it, though. I use the following plperl function:

      Substitute substrings within a larger string, with Perl s// operator,
      in a single pass. Each element in @orig found in @string (scanned left
      to right) is replaced by the element at the same index in @repl.
      When multiple strings in the array match simultaneously, the longest one
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION multi_replace(string text, orig text[], repl text[])
    RETURNS text
    AS $BODY$
      my ($string, $orig, $repl) = @_;
      my %subs;
      # Check that the arrays are of the same size, unidimensional,
      # and contain no null values.
      if (@$orig != @$repl) {
         elog(ERROR, "array sizes mismatch");
      if (ref @$orig[0] eq 'ARRAY' || ref @$repl[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
         elog(ERROR, "multi-dimensional arrays are not allowed");
      if (grep { !defined } (@$orig, @$repl)) {
         elog(ERROR, "null elements are not allowed");
      # Each element of $orig is a key in %subs to the element at the same
      # index in $repl
      @subs{@$orig} = @$repl;
      # Build a regexp of the form (s1|s2|...)
      # with the substrings sorted to match longest first
      my $re = join "|", map quotemeta,
         sort { (length($b) <=> length($a)) } keys %subs;
      $re = qr/($re)/;
      # The order will be kept in matching because (from perlre):
      # "Alternatives are tried from left to right, so the first alternative
      # found for which the entire expression matches, is the one that is
      # chosen"
      $string =~ s/$re/$subs{$1}/g;
      return $string;
    $BODY$ language plperl strict immutable;


    select multi_replace(
      '{_, "", "", "", ""}'

    You may find more details on the problem statement and implementation in that blog post: Multiple strings replacement with plperl.

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