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Here is my code:
I need to save java object value as jsonb in database (r2dbc).

public class ScoringModel extends BaseModel {

    @SerializedName(value = "clientId", alternate = {"client_id"})
    private String clientId;
    @SerializedName(value = "languages", alternate = {"languages"})
    private String languages;

    @SerializedName(value = "response", alternate = {"response"})
    //Need to save as JsonB
    private Object response;

Please help me resolve the issue



  1. You need to implement ReadingConverter and WritingConverter and then register them in R2dbcCustomConversions in configuration.

    public R2dbcCustomConversions myConverters(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory){
    var dialect = DialectResolver.getDialect(connectionFactory);
        var converters = List.of(…);
        return R2dbcCustomConversions.of(dialect, converters);

    Converters itself should produce JSONs.

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  2. If you using Postgres, there are two approaches you can use to map to Postgres JSON/JSONB fields.

    1. use Postgres R2dbc Json type directly in Java entity class.
    2. use any Java type and convert it between Json via registering custom converters.

    The first one is simple and stupid.

    1. Declare a json db type field, eg.

      metadata   JSON         default '{}'
    2. Declare the Json type field in your entity class.

      class Post{
           private Json metadata;

    For the second the solution, similarly

    1. Declare json/jsonb db type in the schema.sql.

    2. Declare the field type as your custom

      class Post{
           private Statistics statistics;
          record Statistics(
               Integer viewed,
               Integer bookmarked
          ) {}
    3. Declare a R2dbcCustomConversions bean.

       class DataR2dbcConfig {
           R2dbcCustomConversions r2dbcCustomConversions(ConnectionFactory factory, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
               R2dbcDialect dialect = DialectResolver.getDialect(factory);
               return R2dbcCustomConversions
                                       new JsonToStatisticsConverter(objectMapper),
                                       new StatisticsToJsonConverter(objectMapper)
       class JsonToStatisticsConverter implements Converter<Json, Post.Statistics> {
           private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
           public Post.Statistics convert(Json source) {
               return objectMapper.readValue(source.asString(), Post.Statistics.class);
       class StatisticsToJsonConverter implements Converter<Post.Statistics, Json> {
           private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
           public Json convert(Post.Statistics source) {
               return Json.of(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(source));

    The example codes is here.

    Finally verify it with a @DataR2dbcTest test.

    public void testInsertAndQuery() {
            var data = Post.builder()
                    .title("test title")
                    .content("content of test")
                    .statistics(new Post.Statistics(1000, 200))
                    .consumeNextWith(p -> {
                      "saved post: {}", p);
                                assertThat(p.getTitle()).isEqualTo("test title");
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