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Let’s say I have a view in which I am selecting the names of tables from a particular schema. How can I use SELECT so that it display the columns and its values from these tables?

with tables_names as (
  select table_name 
  from information_schema. "columns" 
  where table_schema = 'xx'
select * from tables_names



  1. If you want to display the column names in your query just add


     with tables_names as (
      select table_name, column_name
      from information_schema. "columns" 
      where table_schema = 'xxx'
    select * from tables_names
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  2. Well, if your purpose is to list db-table column names:

    declare @tbl nvarchar(100) = 'person'
    select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = @tbl

    Or more "extended" option:

    select table_schema, table_name, column_name
    from information_schema.columns
    where table_schema = 'dbo'

    "can I use SELECT so that it display the columns and its values from these tables". If you need to see table data based on table/column name(s):

    declare @tbl nvarchar(100) = 'person', @col nvarchar(100) = 'age'
    exec('select * from ' + @tbl)
    exec('select ' + @col + ' from ' + @tbl)

    Finally, if you want to find a specific value from all colums and all tables, you have to iterate over them using cursor (probably non-cursor option exists, do not see it yet…)

    declare @sch nvarchar(100), @tbl nvarchar(100), @col nvarchar(100) 
    declare column_iterator cursor for
    select table_schema, table_name, column_name
    from information_schema.columns
    where table_schema = 'dbo'
    open column_iterator
    fetch next from column_iterator into @sch, @tbl, @col
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        exec('select ' + @col + ' from ' + @sch + '.' + @tbl)
        -- here you're able to do whatever needed with column values
        fetch next from column_iterator into @sch, @tbl, @col
    close column_iterator
    deallocate column_iterator
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