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I’m trying to get a query that counts the specific macro and microingredients of a meal for a project. I have a List<Long> of ids that represent specific meals, and using that list, I want to calculate combined values of ingredients. The problem is that some of the meals are being duplicated (and that’s OK), but when I pass the list to my SQL query, it ignores the duplicated IDs (for example, if list looks like {1,3,4,1,5} it will only count the ingredients of meal ID 1 once, and I need it to not ignore the second instance.

My query looks like this:

SELECT s.nazwa, SUM(ps.wartosc * (pwp.wartosc / 100)/pwp.liczba_porcji_posilku) as ilosc_skladnika, s.jednostka, s.grupa_skladnikow_odzywczych
FROM produkty_skladniki ps
JOIN posilki_produkty pwp USING (produkt_id)
JOIN skladniki s USING (skladnik_id)
GROUP BY skladnik_id, s.nazwa, s.jednostka, s.grupa_skladnikow_odzywczych, s.skladnik_id 
ORDER BY s.kolejnosc

And my method that passes the list to

public List<SimulatedMealInfo> checkNorms(List<Menu> menuList){
    //If there are records in DB remove them beforehand
    //Get the meal ID from each Menu class item
    List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
    for(Menu item : menuList){
    //Create list of objects returned by query
    List<Object[]> mealObjectView = mealService.checkIngredientsOverall(ids);
    //Create list of objects that will hold needed info
    List<SimulatedMealInfo> mealInfo = new ArrayList<>();
    for(Object[] mealSecond : mealObjectView){
        Double d = (Double) mealSecond[1];
        //Create new objects using info returned by the query
        SimulatedMealInfo simulatedMealInfo = new SimulatedMealInfo(null,mealSecond[0].toString(),
                String.format("%.3f",d/7), mealSecond[2].toString(), mealSecond[3].toString());
    //save dump
    return mealInfo;



  1. Depending on the database you are using, there is a way to declare a temporary table with some values, make it in join instead of in().
    Example in SQL server of a local table that can be joined:

    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1), (3), (4), (1), (5)) AS TempTable(ColumnName)
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  2. you can modify your Java code to include duplicated meal IDs:

    public List<SimulatedMealInfo> checkNorms(List<Menu> menuList){
        //If there are records in DB remove them beforehand
        //Get the meal ID from each Menu class item and duplicate them based on frequency
        List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Menu item : menuList){
            long mealId = item.getMeal().getMealId();
            int frequency = Collections.frequency(ids, mealId);
            for (int i = 0; i < frequency; i++) {
        //Create list of objects returned by query
        List<Object[]> mealObjectView = mealService.checkIngredientsOverall(ids);
        //Create list of objects that will hold needed info
        List<SimulatedMealInfo> mealInfo = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Object[] mealSecond : mealObjectView){
            Double d = (Double) mealSecond[1];
            //Create new objects using info returned by the query
            SimulatedMealInfo simulatedMealInfo = new SimulatedMealInfo(null,mealSecond[0].toString(),
                    String.format("%.3f",d/7), mealSecond[2].toString(), mealSecond[3].toString());
        //save dump
        return mealInfo;

    SQL query that should count the ingredients of each meal ID for each occurrence in the list:

    SELECT s.nazwa, 
           SUM(ps.wartosc * (pwp.wartosc / 100)/pwp.liczba_porcji_posilku) as ilosc_skladnika, 
    FROM produkty_skladniki ps
    JOIN posilki_produkty pwp USING (produkt_id)
    JOIN skladniki s USING (skladnik_id)
    WHERE pwp.posilek_id IN (?)
    GROUP BY pwp.posilek_id, skladnik_id, s.nazwa, s.jednostka, s.grupa_skladnikow_odzywczych, s.skladnik_id 
    ORDER BY s.kolejnosc

    GROUP BY clause now includes the pwp.posilek_id column, which ensures that the ingredients are counted separately for each occurrence of a meal ID in the input list. The ? placeholder represents a generic parameter that will be replaced with the list of meal IDs passed from Java.

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