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I get below data from Postgresql table, need to sum the ListDate field for each month and transpose.
I tried this link Transpose a datatable using linq query , but not feasible or right approach to achieve it.

2023-01-01 12 13 34 26
2023-01-01 22 23 44 46
2022-12-01 32 13 34 26
2023-12-01 42 13 64 16
2023-11-10 62 13 94 36
2023-11-23 02 13 34 46

Expected Result –

. JAN-23 DEC-22 NOV-22
MM 34 74 64
FC 36 26 26
AMS 78 98 118
KS 72 42 82



  1. this is my class

     public class Data
            public string Date { get; set; }
            public int MM { get; set; }
            public int FC { get; set; }
            public int AMS { get; set; }
            public int KS { get; set; }

    var dataList=new List<Data>
                new Data
                     AMS=34, Date="2023-01-01", FC=13, KS=26, MM=12
                },  new Data
                     AMS=44, Date="2023-01-01", FC=23, KS=46, MM=22
                },  new Data
                     AMS=34, Date="2022-12-01", FC=13, KS=26, MM=32
                },  new Data
                     AMS=64, Date="2023-12-01", FC=13, KS=16, MM=42
                },  new Data
                     AMS=94, Date="2023-11-10", FC=13, KS=36, MM=62
                },  new Data
                     AMS=34, Date="2023-11-23", FC=13, KS=46, MM=02

      var query = dataList
        .GroupBy(g =>
        .Select(group => new
            Date= DateTime.Parse(group.Key).ToString("dd MMMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
            MM = group.Sum(s => s.MM),
            FC = group.Sum(s => s.FC),
            AMS = group.Sum(a => a.AMS),
            KS = group.Sum(c => c.KS)
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  2. The first point:

    12-01-2023 should be 2022-12-01 in order, the question data to match the Expected Result.

    If we have the following list:

        public class item
            public item(string _dt,int _MM,int _FC,int _AMS,int _KS)
                dt = _dt;
                MM = _MM;
                FC = _FC;
                AMS = _AMS;
                KS = _KS;
            public string dt { get;  set; }
            public int MM { get; set; }
            public int FC { get; set; }
            public int AMS { get; set; }
            public int KS { get; set; }
    List<item> _list=new List<item>();
    _list.Add(new item("2023-01-01", 12, 13, 24, 26));
    _list.Add(new item("2023-01-01", 22, 23, 44, 46));
    _list.Add(new item("2022-12-01", 32, 13, 24, 26));
    _list.Add(new item("2022-12-01", 42, 13, 64, 26));
    _list.Add(new item("2023-11-10", 62, 13, 94, 36));
    _list.Add(new item("2023-11-23", 02, 13, 34, 46));
    • We can use Substring(0,7) to group by year and month.

    • Now the key of group by year-month(ex: 2023-12). We can get the month name using DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName

    • and calculate the last two digits of the year using the substring(2,2)

    • And finally, collect the parameters and convert them into a list

            var result = _list
               .GroupBy(g =>
               .Select(group => new
                   dateOfMonth = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(int.Parse(group.Key.Split('-')[1]))
                    + "-" + group.Key.Split('-')[0].Substring(2,2),
                   MM = group.Sum(s => s.MM),
                   FC = group.Sum(s => s.FC),
                   AMS = group.Sum(a => a.AMS),
                   KS = group.Sum(c => c.KS)


    enter image description here

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