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I have simple table table_b

id (integer) data (json) text (text)
1 {} yes
2 {} no

Json look like

{"types": [{"key": "first_event", "value": false}, {"key": "second_event", "value": false}, {"key": "third_event", "value": false}...]}

I just want to modify data and add to each json object in array ["test1", "test2"] to look like this :

{"types": [{"key": "first_event", "value": false, "can":["test1", "test2"] }, {"key": "second_event", "value": false , "can":["test1", "test2"]}, {"key": "third_event", "value": false , "can":["test1", "test2"]}...]}

ofcourse only where text like "yes"
I have tryed :

UPDATE table_b
SET data = jsonb_set(data , '{types,can}', '["test1", "test2"]'::jsonb, true)
where text like 'yes';

But it does not work. How can i loop over table_b and over data column?



  1. The array value of a JSON object can be modified. It can be simply done by modifying the value present at a given index.

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  2. Using this sample data

    create table table_b as
    select * from (values
    (1,'{"types": [{"key": "first_event", "value": false}, {"key": "second_event", "value": false}, {"key": "third_event", "value": false}]}'::jsonb,'yes'),
    (3,'{"types": [{"key": "first_event", "value": false}]}'::jsonb,'yes')
    ) table_b(id,data,txt)

    This query updates each array element, keeping the order in the ORDINALITY column

    with table_b2 as (
      id,item, index,
      jsonb_set(item,('{"can"}')::TEXT[],'["test1", "test2"]') new_item
    from table_b  cross join 
    jsonb_array_elements(data -> 'types') WITH ORDINALITY arr(item, index) 
    where txt = 'yes')
    select * from table_b2
    id|item                                   |index|new_item                                                          |
     1|{"key": "first_event", "value": false} |    1|{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "first_event", "value": false} |
     1|{"key": "second_event", "value": false}|    2|{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "second_event", "value": false}|
     1|{"key": "third_event", "value": false} |    3|{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "third_event", "value": false} |
     3|{"key": "first_event", "value": false} |    1|{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "first_event", "value": false} |

    The next query concatenates the updated elements back to the array (keeping the right order) and performs a simple update

    with table_b2 as (
      id,item, index,
      ('{types,' || index - 1 || ',"can"}')::TEXT[] AS path,
      jsonb_set(item,('{"can"}')::TEXT[],'["test1", "test2"]') new_item
    from table_b  cross join 
    jsonb_array_elements(data -> 'types') WITH ORDINALITY arr(item, index) 
    where txt = 'yes'),
    table_b3 as (
     jsonb_agg(new_item order by index) new_data
    from table_b2
    group by id)
    update table_b t
    set data = table_b3.new_data
    from table_b3
    where =
    select * from table_b order by id;
    id|data                                                                                                                                                                                                      |txt|
     1|[{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "first_event", "value": false}, {"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "second_event", "value": false}, {"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "third_event", "value": false}]|yes|
     2|{}                                                                                                                                                                                                        |no |
     3|[{"can": ["test1", "test2"], "key": "first_event", "value": false}]                                                                                                                                       |yes|
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