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I have a hierarchal aggregate that uses below statement

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS public.values_summary_five_minutes
WITH (timescaledb.continuous,timescaledb.materialized_only = true) AS
SELECT variableid, time_bucket(INTERVAL ‘5 minute’, bucket_interval_one_min) AS bucket_interval_five_min,
MIN(Min_IntValue) as Min_IntValue, MAX(Max_IntValue) as Max_IntValue, SUM(Sum_IntValue) as Sum_IntValue,
COUNT(Count_IntValue) as Count_IntValue, rollup(statsagg_IntValue) as Stats_IntValue, AVG(average(statsagg_IntValue)) as Avg_IntValue
FROM public.values_summary_one_minute_1
GROUP BY variableid, bucket_interval_five_min

Here, I am using Avg(average(statssummary1d)), so that I don’t have to include it in group by. However, the value is not correct. Is there an alternative to finding the average in a
hierarchical aggregate?



  1. You can use average(rollup(statsagg_IntValue)) directly: demo

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS public.values_summary_five_minutes
    WITH (timescaledb.continuous,timescaledb.materialized_only = true) AS
    SELECT  variableid, 
            time_bucket(INTERVAL '5 minute', bucket_interval_one_min) AS bucket_interval_five_min,
            MIN(Min_IntValue) as Min_IntValue, 
            MAX(Max_IntValue) as Max_IntValue, 
            SUM(Sum_IntValue) as Sum_IntValue,
            COUNT(Count_IntValue) as Count_IntValue, 
            rollup(statsagg_IntValue) as Stats_IntValue, 
            average(rollup(statsagg_IntValue)) as Avg_IntValue,     --this
            avg(average(statsagg_IntValue)) as Avg_1minAvg_IntValue 
    FROM public.values_summary_one_minute_1
    GROUP BY variableid, bucket_interval_five_min
    variableid bucket_interval_five_min min_intvalue max_intvalue sum_intvalue count_intvalue avg_intvalue avg_1minavg_intvalue
    1 2023-09-27 12:40:00+00 1 5 55 5 3.6666666666666665 3

    Given five 1-minute blocks with the following IntValues:


    The avg(average(statsagg_IntValue)) would result in 3, since that’s the average of individual, 1-minute averages.

    The average(rollup(statsagg_IntValue)) should properly construct a 5-minute block with all of the underlying IntValues:


    and arrive at 3.666666666666666

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  2. In PostgreSQL, you normally use a subquery or a window function when you want to calculate an average without include it in the GROUP BY clause. In your situation, a subquery can be used to determine the average. Here’s how to change your query to accomplish that:

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS public.values_summary_five_minutes
    WITH (timescaledb.continuous, timescaledb.materialized_only = true) AS
        MIN(Min_IntValue) as Min_IntValue,
        MAX(Max_IntValue) as Max_IntValue,
        SUM(Sum_IntValue) as Sum_IntValue,
        COUNT(Count_IntValue) as Count_IntValue,
        rollup(statsagg_IntValue) as Stats_IntValue,
        (SELECT AVG(statsagg_IntValue) FROM public.values_summary_one_minute_1 sub WHERE sub.variableid = main.variableid AND sub.bucket_interval_one_min = main.bucket_interval_five_min) as Avg_IntValue
        public.values_summary_one_minute_1 main

    Hope it works 🙂

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