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I’m trying to write a procedure in PostgreSQL to update number of products sold from Order_items table to Stock table.
Here’s my query

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE smallerp.sp_calculate_stock ()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
DECLARE f record;
        v_pid integer;
        v_sid integer;
        v_sold integer;

    (SELECT i.product_id, o.store_id, SUM(i.quantity)
    INTO v_pid, v_sid, v_sold)
    FROM smallerp.s_order_items i
    INNER JOIN smallerp.s_orders o
        ON i.order_id = o.order_id
    INNER JOIN smallerp.p_products r
        ON i.product_id = r.product_id
    INNER JOIN smallerp.s_stores s 
        ON o.store_id = s.store_id
    GROUP BY o.store_id, i.product_id, s.store_name, r.product_name 
    ORDER BY s.store_name

    UPDATE smallerp.p_stocks kk
    SET (kk.product_id,
         = (v_pid, v_sid, v_sold)
        WHERE kk.store_id = _sid AND kk.product_id = _pid;


It keeps saying that i have syntax error at INTO v_pid,

ERROR:  syntax error at or near ","
LINE 16:  INTO v_pid, v_sid, v_sold)

How could i fix it? Thank you guys.



  1. Use a CTE and no loop is needed:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE smallerp.sp_calculate_stock ()
    LANGUAGE sql
    AS $$
    WITH cte AS (
            SELECT i.product_id, o.store_id, SUM(i.quantity) as sold
            FROM smallerp.s_order_items i
            INNER JOIN smallerp.s_orders o
                ON i.order_id = o.order_id
            INNER JOIN smallerp.p_products r
                ON i.product_id = r.product_id
            INNER JOIN smallerp.s_stores s 
                ON o.store_id = s.store_id
            GROUP BY o.store_id, i.product_id, s.store_name, r.product_name
        UPDATE smallerp.p_stocks kk
        SET (kk.product_id, kk.store_id, kk.sold) = (cte.product_id, cte.store_id, cte.sold)
        FROM cte
        WHERE kk.store_id = cte.store_id AND kk.product_id = cte.product_id;

    You don’t need plpgsql either, sql is good enough.

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  2. Frank’s answer is the correct solution for the underlying problem. To answer the syntax question: if you use a FOR loop the all columns are available through the record (loop) variable. So get rid of the INTO in the SELECT of the FOR loop, then reference the columns from the record variable:

      f record;
      FOR f IN
          SELECT i.product_id, o.store_id, SUM(i.quantity) as sold
          FROM smallerp.s_order_items i
          INNER JOIN smallerp.s_orders o
              ON i.order_id = o.order_id
          INNER JOIN smallerp.p_products r
              ON i.product_id = r.product_id
          INNER JOIN smallerp.s_stores s 
              ON o.store_id = s.store_id
          GROUP BY o.store_id, i.product_id, s.store_name, r.product_name 
          ORDER BY s.store_name
          UPDATE smallerp.p_stocks kk
            SET (kk.product_id,
                 kk.sold) = (f.product_id, f.store_id, f.sold)
          WHERE kk.store_id = _sid AND kk.product_id = _pid;
      END LOOP;

    But again: doing an UPDATE in a LOOP is typically not a good idea.

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