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How to write a query that returns the id of the managers in the department of which no more than 5 people work?

I have a data table employee

id integer – id employee

name char – name employee

department_id integer – id of the department in which the employee works

chief_flg boolean – flag that the employee is in a leadership position

birth_dt date – Date of Birth

salary integer – employee salary

I tried to write query like this (postgreSQL)
but I think you can do something through HAVING

SELECT COUNT(<5, as id_column
FROM employee AS e
WHERE chief_flg = 'True'



  1. Your query, no need for having:

    select e.* from 
    FROM employee AS e
    join (SELECT COUNT(*), e.department_id
            FROM employee AS e
            WHERE chief_flg = 'True'
            GROUP BY e.department_id) mng
        on (mng.department_id = e.department_id and <= 5)
    WHERE chief_flg = 'True'

    Rather join with inner select, that counts number of employees in departments.

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  2. There are a few different ways of doing this. One method to consider is:

    FROM employee c INNER JOIN employee e
      ON c.department_id = e.department_id
    WHERE c.chief_flag = True
    HAVING COUNT(*) <= 5

    The basic idea is to join the chiefs (c.chief_flag = True) to all the employees in the same department (c.department_id = e.department_id). As you suggested, you can then use HAVING COUNT( <= 5 to limit to the departments with 5 or fewer employees.

    An alternative that might be easier to follow (although is possibly less performant):

    FROM employee c
    WHERE chief_flag = True
     AND (SELECT count(*) FROM employee e WHERE e.department_id = c.department_id) <= 5

    This gets all rows with chief_flag = True and checks whether the number of employees in their department is 5 or fewer.

    Another option is something like:

    SELECT id
     SELECT id, chief_flag, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY department_id) dep_count
     FROM employee
    ) mt
    WHERE chief_flag = True AND dep_count <= 5

    This is similar to the other answer on this question (calculates the number of employees in each department) but uses a window function in a subquery to do so.

    Your existing attempt will not work (even if you clean up the syntax) since you are only looking at the table once and limiting to chief_flg = 'True'. Once you’ve limited the query to only consider chiefs, you have no way of counting the other employees. That’s why most solutions to this would either join, use a subquery, or use a window function.

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