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Many of the columns in different tables in my database have the constraint between 1 and 3 (equivalent to any (array[1,2,3]) since they’re all integers). This may need to be changed to allow 4s in the future, so I want to make them all reference a variable.

This database has an singleton info table, so I thought I could maybe add a column to that and reference the sole value in it? I tried the code below but it just said "column privacy_options does not exist"

alter table info add privacy_options integer array;
update info set privacy_options = array [1,2,3];
alter table system_config add check (default_privacy_shown = any (info(privacy_options)));



  1. You cannot use subqueries in the check constraint. But this should work for you:

    alter table system_config add check (default_privacy_shown in (1, 2, 3))

    Also, ensure the coulmn system_config.default_privacy_shown exists.

    Add it if needed before adding constraint: alter table system_config add default_privacy_shown integer.

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  2. You may make a very simple helper function:

    create or replace function privacy_helper(v integer) returns boolean
    immutable language sql as
      select v in (1,2,3);

    and then 40+ times

    alter table the_table add check (privacy_helper(the_column));

    Any change of the target set will be done only once, in the function.

    Here is the function using info table:

    create or replace function privacy_helper(v integer) returns boolean
    stable language sql as
      select v = any((select privacy_options from info));
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