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In SQL I have following code:

-- name: FilterRecords :many
FROM records
WHERE industry_id = $3 and region_code = $4 and city_code = $5

What I’m trying to achieve is to exclude industry_id from where clause if provided value for it is blank string. Because when I’m making query it’s counting blank strings, but I want to omit it if it’s blank and select only records where they match region_code and city_code.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This is the one made for me and worked correctly.

    -- name: FilterApz :many
    SELECT *
    FROM apz
    WHERE industry_id LIKE COALESCE(NULLIF($3, ''), '%%') and region_code = $4 and city_code = $5
    OFFSET $1 LIMIT $2;

  2. You can do this by golangs default text/template.

    variables := map[string]interface{} {
        "industry_id": ...,
        "region_id": ...,
        "city_code": ...,
        "offset": ...,
        "limit": ...,
    qs := new(strings.Builder)
    SELECT *
    FROM records where
        {{ if .industry_id-}} industry_id= {{.industry_id}} and {{- end }}
        region_code = {{.region_code}} and city_code = {{.city_code}}
    OFFSET {{.offset}} LIMIT {{.limit}}`)).
            Execute(qs, variables)
    fmt.Printf("qs: %vn", qs.String())
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