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In postgressql is there a way to attain the result below by using partition by or any other way?

last_name  year  increment  partition  

Doe        2000     1           1
Doe        2001     2           1
Doe        2002     3           1
Doe        2003    -1           2
Doe        2004     1           3
Doe        2005     2           3
Doe        2006     3           3
Doe        2007    -1           4
Doe        2008    -2           4



  1. SELECT last_name, 
           SUM(CASE WHEN increment < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY last_name ORDER BY year) AS partition
    FROM your_table
    ORDER BY last_name, year;
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  2. It seems that you want to group the consecutive positive/ negative values together, one option is to use a difference between two row_number functions, this will make the partition but with unordered group numbers.

    select *,
      row_number() over (partition by last_name order by year) -
      row_number() over (partition by last_name,
        case when increment>=0 then 1 else 2 end order by year) as prt
    from tbl 
    order by last_name, year

    If you want the partitions in order (1, 2, 3…) you could try another approach using lag and running sum as the following:

    select last_name, year, increment,
      1 + sum(case when sign(increment) <> sign(pre_inc) then 1 else 0 end) over
      (partition by last_name order by year) as prt
      select *,
        lag(increment, 1 , increment) over
        (partition by last_name order by year) pre_inc
      from tbl
    ) t
    order by last_name, year

    See demo

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  3. If the increment column does encrease over the column year, it will be marked as 1; otherwise, it will be marked as 0. Then, we group the successive data using "LAG", regardless of whether the increment is positive or negative.

    with cte as (
      select * ,
      row_number() over (partition by last_name order by year) as row_num,
      case when increment >= LAG(increment,1,0) over (partition by last_name order by year) 
      then 1 else 0 end rank_num
      from mytable
    cte2  as (
      select *, LAG(rank_num,1,1) over (partition by last_name order by year) as pre 
      from cte
      order by year
    select last_name, year, increment, 1+sum(case when pre <> rank_num then 1 else 0 end) over
        (partition by last_name order by year) as partition
    from cte2;
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