I need to monitor the ongoing flow of data using the latest created date for a set of tables.
Basically, I need to batch run
SELECT MAX(z_date_creation)
FROM table_schema.table_name
on a set of tables I retrieve with
FROM information_schema."columns" c
WHERE c.column_name LIKE '%z_date_creation'
AND c.table_schema = 'datawarehouse'
AND c.table_name NOT LIKE 'partition%'
and then feed it to a dedicated "ods.dates_derniere_maj" table I’ll be pluging reports on.
I am using a cursor for like of a better idea to iterate through the tables in need to get the MAX(z_date_creation)
from. I manage to feed the table_schema
and table_name
values into my ods.dates_derniere_maj
table but cannot find a way to also get the MAX(z_date_creation)
from these tables.
I’m stuck with the nested query part.
Here is what I’ve come up with so far :
DO $$
table_rec record ;
max_date TEXT DEFAULT NOW();
cursor1 CURSOR FOR
SELECT DISTINCT c.table_schema, c.table_name, c.column_name
FROM information_schema."columns" c
WHERE c.table_schema = 'datawarehouse'
AND c.table_name NOT LIKE 'partition%'
AND c.column_name LIKE '%creation%';
from_clause TEXT;
date_column TEXT;
FOR table_rec IN cursor1
from_clause := CONCAT(table_rec.table_schema, '.', table_rec.table_name);
date_column := CONCAT(table_rec.table_schema, '.', table_rec.table_name,'.','z_date_creation');
Which code herebelow ?
PREPARE nom_req (text, text) AS
SELECT MAX($1) FROM $2 ; ---> not working, syntax error on $2
max_date := EXECUTE nom_req (date_column, from_clause) ; ---> not working
SELECT MAX(date_column) INTO max_date FROM CONCAT(from_clause) ; ----> not working
INSERT INTO ods.dates_derniere_maj (schema_name, table_name, z_date_creation_max)
VALUES (table_rec.table_schema, table_rec.table_name, max_date);
END $$;`
I have tried passing the table_rec.table_schema and table_rec.table_name variables directly in the FROM clause but that didn’t work so I tried to concatenate them beforehand.
Any help will be much appreciated !
Thanks a bunch !
Here is what I came up with with Edouard's invaluable help !
Try something like this :
see test result in dbfiddle