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In my models I have old field tag and created new one tags.

class YOUR_MODEL():
    tag = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, default=None, db_index=True, choices=[(tag, tag) for tag in TAGS])
    tags = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=64, choices=[(tag, tag) for tag in TAGS]), db_index=True, null=True)

Column tag have only strings, for example ‘APPLE’ or ‘PEAR’.
I want that column tags to be an array of one string after migrations.


TAGS = field_types.FORM_FIELD_TAGS

In my migrations after creating new field and before deleting old one I want to transfer data from column tag into tags. I tried using raw sql: cursor.execute("UPDATE form_builder_formfield SET tags = ARRAY[tag] WHERE tag IS NOT NULL") but this is not working.

I recived errors:
django.db.utils.DataError: malformed array literal: "["APPLE"]"
"[" must introduce explicitly-specified array dimensions.

I also tried using django queryset but I always end with this errors above. Any ideas how to do it?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Okay. So I found a solution. Code was all right. The problem was elsewhere. I had a trigger on a database that was changing '{' curly braces into '[' square braces. So even if I explicitly typed '{' into code it anyway changed it to '[', so postgres couldn't create an array.

    Thanks for trying to help.

  2. You can add to your migration a RunPython operation. Make a migration, that has 2 operation: adds a new field tags and removes old tag. Between them add a operation bellow:

    migrations.RunPython(migrate_tag_data, reverse_code=reverse_tags),

    You can make migrate_tag_data however you like, but I suggest code bellow. Just put it at start of migration file.

    def migrate_tag_data(apps, schema_editor):
        YOUR_MODEL = apps.get_model("YOUR_APP", "YOUR_MODEL")
        for instance in YOUR_MODEL.objects.all():
            instance.tags = [instance.tag]
    def reverse_tags(apps, schema_editor):
        YOUR_MODEL = apps.get_model("YOUR_APP", "YOUR_MODEL")
        for instance in YOUR_MODEL.objects.all():
            instance.tag = next(instance.tags, None)

    Then migrate and you’re good!

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