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We have about 200 GB files inside temp folder in PostgreSQL. And it’s time to clear it but I’m not sure is it safe or not. Thats why I want to look at these files first. File names look like: pgsql_tmp644088.0. How can I open and read them? With Notepad I can only see some symbols, for example: ЎҐЖ№T ipadinstagram%instagram_stories j‹74. What is your reccomendations?



  1. Do not manually delete temp file. As a first step i would check what operations are using temp files. You have some options to enable logs on queries writing to temp files:

    1. Enable log_tmp_files


    1. Use pgbadger

    2. Query table Pg_stat_statements, as follows:

      SELECT interval ‘1 millisecond’ * total_time AS total_exec_time,
      total_time / calls AS avg_exec_time_ms,
      query AS query
      FROM pg_stat_statements
      WHERE temp_blks_written > 0
      ORDER BY temp_blks_written DESC
      LIMIT 20;

    3. Query pg_stat_database to give db level stats, as follows:

      select datname, temp_files , pg_size_pretty(temp_bytes) as temp_file_size FROM pg_stat_database order by temp_bytes desc;

    4. Run EXPLAIN ANALYZE and compare work_mem size with values printed by explain analyze.

    As a general recommendation set temp_file_limit to a value different than -1 (default).
    Be sure to use correct indices to tune queries.
    Tune work_mem (carefully).
    Set statement_timeout to an optimal value.

    Please note:
    Temp files are created when memory is not sufficient.

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  2. Simply restart PostgreSQL, and it should delete all the temporary files that were left behind.

    Normally, temporary files don’t exist longer than the duration of a query. Check for long running queries.

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