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I have a text field(Django) for the amount in the DB like

amount = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)

SQL query

select id, amount from payment order by amount asc;

  id   | amount  |
 12359 | 1111111 |  ----> entered as "1111111" i.e a string value             
 12360 | 122222  |               
 12342 | 20      |               
 12361 | 222222  |               
 12364 | 2222222 |               
 12362 | 2222222 |               
 12290 | 260.00  |               
 12291 | 260.00  |               
 12292 | 260.00  |               
 12336 | 32      |               
 12363 | 3333333 |               
 12337 | 355     |                
 12331 | 45      |               
 12341 | 740     |             
 12343 | 741     |   

Problem – Ordering is not working as expected.

Is it the expected behavior?



  1. When you use string, the ordering is based on ASCII based system.
    To mitigate this type of issues, it is better to use models.DecimalField.

    More on that here:

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  2. amount field should be numeric field not text field. Then Ordering will work.

    from decimal import Decimal
    class Payment(models.Model):
        amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)

    Please run migration after that.

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  3. Try one of these:

    select * from tab_name order by column_name::integer;
     select * from tab_name order by cast(column_name AS integer);
    select * from tab_name order by int8 (column_name);

    I hope help you.
    But I don’t get how why you keep yout integer in text or varchar. Later this make lot of issues for you, by space and speed.

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  4. You can Cast the value as Float field and order by it:

    MyModel.objects.annotate(as_float=Cast('amount', FloatField())).order_by('as_float')

    But, as @IqbalHussain mentioned in his answer, it is better to change the model.

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