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I just started learning SQL and there is my problem.
I have a column that contains acronyms like "GP2", "MU1", "FR10", …. and I want to add ‘0’s to the acronyms that don’t have enough characters.

For example I want acronyms like "FR10", "GP48",… to stay like this but acronyms like "MU3" must be converted into "MU03" to be as the same size as the others.

I already heard about LPAD and RPAD but it just add the wanted character at the left or the right.

Thanks !



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you all for your response. I think i did something similar as Isolated. Here is what I've done ("acronym" is the name of the column and "destination" is the name of the table) :

    SELECT CONCAT(LEFT(acronym, 2), LPAD(RIGHT(acronym, LENGTH(acronym) - 2), 2, '0')) AS acronym
    FROM destination
    ORDER BY acronym;

    Thanks !

  2. Is the minimum length 3 as in your examples and the padded value should always be in the 3rd position? If so, use a case expression and concat such as this:

    with my_data as (
      select 'GP2' as col1 union all
      select 'MU1' union all
      select 'FR10'
    select col1, 
      when length(col1) = 3 then concat(left(col1, 2), '0', right(col1, 1))
      else col1
     end padded_col1
    from my_data;
    col1 padded_col1
    GP2 GP02
    MU1 MU01
    FR10 FR10

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  3. A regexp_replace():

    with tests(example) as (values
    ('ab02'),('ab1'),('A'),('1'),('A1'),('123'),('ABC'),('abc0'),('a123'),('abcd0123'),('1a'),('a1a'),('1a1') )
    select example,
               '1' || repeat('0',4-length(example)) || '2' )
    from tests;
     example  | regexp_replace
     ab02     | ab02
     ab1      | ab01
     A        | A000
     1        | 0001
     A1       | A001
     123      | 0123
     ABC      | ABC0
     abc0     | abc0
     a123     | a123
     abcd0123 | abcd0123 --caught, repeat('0',-4) is same as repeat('0',0), so nothing
     1a       | 1a   --doesn't start with non-digits 
     a1a      | a1a  --doesn't end with digits
     1a1      | 1a1  --doesn't start with non-digits 
    1. catches non-digits with a D at the start of the string ^
    2. catches digits with a d at the end $
    3. specifies that it’s looking for 0 to 4 occurences of each {0,4}
    4. referencing each hit enclosed in consecutive parentheses () with a backreference 1 and 2.
    5. filling the space between them with a repeat() up to the total length of 4.

    It’s good to consider additional test cases.

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