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I’m trying to implement an "auto-fail" kind of column in a table that includes scores for evaluations like below:

Employee Category Score
John Foo 5
John Bar 4
Randy Foo 3
Randy Bar 0
Daniel Foo 2
Daniel Bar 1
Joe Foo 1
Joe Bar 0

I wanna create another column (‘calculated score’) such that, if their score in the Bar category is 0, they get a 0 on their overall score (basically, their score on Foo also becomes 0). Otherwise, it will just reflect their current score

So in the example above, the desired outcome will be:

Employee Category Score Calculated Score
John Foo 5 5
John Bar 4 4
Randy Foo 3 0
Randy Bar 0 0
Daniel Foo 2 2
Daniel Bar 1 1
Joe Foo 1 0
Joe Bar 0 0

Where Randy and Joe will now have 0 overall scores because they got 0 in Bar

I was able to achieve this in a spreadsheet app (though I’m not sure if my method is the most elegant way) by making a helper column that works as an "indicator" if an employee has an auto-fail score or not by concatenating their employee ID(for the sake of this sample table we’ll use Employee field) to the category and score:

Employee Category Score Indicator
John Foo 5 JohnFoo5
John Bar 4 JohnBar4
Randy Foo 3 RandyFoo3
Randy Bar 0 RandyBar0
Daniel Foo 2 DanielFoo2
Daniel Bar 1 DanielBar1
Joe Foo 1 JoeFoo1
Joe Bar 0 JoeBar0

And finally, in the calculated score column, I used COUNT to check if there is an instance of CONCATENATE(Employee, ‘Bar0’), and if there is, then set it to 0, otherwise, set it to their score:

=IF(COUNTIF(D:D, CONCATENATE(A2, "Bar0") ) > 0, 0, C2)

Employee Category Score Indicator Calculated Score
John Foo 5 JohnFoo5 5
John Bar 4 JohnBar4 4
Randy Foo 3 RandyFoo3 0
Randy Bar 0 RandyBar0 0
Daniel Foo 2 DanielFoo2 2
Daniel Bar 1 DanielBar1 1
Joe Foo 1 JoeFoo1 0
Joe Bar 0 JoeBar0 0

Is there any way to implement something like this in SQL?



  1. You can use a window function (to only look at the rows for the current employee) along with a filter (to restrict to the ‘Bar’ rows for this employee) and a CASE WHEN to match on this value. If it’s 0, then return 0 (regardless of the category of the current row, but still only matching those of the current employee), otherwise return that row’s score.

    You’ll need to create a view though, a generated column won’t work here (can’t refer to other rows, though there might be other problems too).

    Schema (PostgreSQL v15)

    CREATE TABLE employees (
      Employee VARCHAR(6),
      Category VARCHAR(3),
      Score INTEGER
    INSERT INTO employees
      (Employee, Category, Score)
      ('John', 'Foo', '5'),
      ('John', 'Bar', '4'),
      ('Randy', 'Foo', '3'),
      ('Randy', 'Bar', '0'),
      ('Daniel', 'Foo', '2'),
      ('Daniel', 'Bar', '1'),
      ('Joe', 'Foo', '1'),
      ('Joe', 'Bar', '0');

    Query #1

    SELECT *
         , CASE
             WHEN MIN(score) FILTER (WHERE category = 'Bar') OVER (PARTITION BY employee) = 0 THEN 0
             ELSE score
           END AS calculated_score
    FROM employees
    ORDER BY employee, category;
    employee category score calculated_score
    Daniel Bar 1 1
    Daniel Foo 2 2
    Joe Bar 0 0
    Joe Foo 1 0
    John Bar 4 4
    John Foo 5 5
    Randy Bar 0 0
    Randy Foo 3 0

    View on DB Fiddle

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  2. You can just check if their 'Bar' score of 0 exists. Quick, conceptually and syntactically simple: demo

    select *, score*(not exists(select from employees 
                                where employee=e.employee 
                                and score=0 and 'Bar'=category))::int
              as calculated_score
    from employees e
    order by 1,2;

    If they do have a 0, you end up multiplying their scores by 0. If they don’t, by 1, so no change.

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