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Using PostgreSQL/PostGIS, given a point position I need extract the nearest linestring from a db table and update the founded geometry adding the given point based on the point position.
For these purposes the PostGIS function ST_AddPoint can be used, but, as far as this function requires the index position to assign to the new point I want to add, I would need to get the maximum index of the two nodes of the nearest segment of the linestring but it seams not so easy to me.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After a few attempt this is the solution a found:

    with dot as (select st_geomfromtext('POINT (X Y)', CRS) as pp)
        (bar.path[1]) as idx,
        st_addpoint(condotta, dot.pp, (bar.path[1])) as new_condotta
    from (select
        foo.geom as condotta,
        from (select geom
            from acquedotto.rete_idrica ri, dot
            order by pp<->geom asc limit 1) as foo) as bar, dot
    order by dot.pp<->bar.geom asc
    limit 1

  2. You can add a point that is / is almost on a line using st_snap and a small tolerance

    WITH src (line, point) as (values ('linestring(0 0, 10 10)'::geometry, 'point(5.01 5)'::geometry))
    SELECT st_asText(st_snap(line,point, 0.1))
    FROM src;
      LINESTRING(0 0,5.01 5,10 10)
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