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Using PostgreSQL, how can I replace all forward slashes by a hyphen after 5 occurrences of a forward slash like so:


to this :




  1. You can combine regexp_replace() with regexp_instr(). The latter tells you where’s the 6th forward slash /, the former starts at that position and continues replacements until the end of the string: demo

    select regexp_replace('https://this/is/a/very/long/url',

    You could probably reduce this to just the regexp_replace() if you change the pattern to include groups of anything followed by a /, and tell it to replace just the slash, keeping the rest, from the 6th group onward.

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  2. A single regexp_replace() with a smart pattern does it:

    SELECT regexp_replace(url, '(?<=(.*?/){5})(.*?)/', '1-', 'g');


    url can be any string, not necessarily an URL. Every slash (/) after the first 5 is replaced with a hyphen (-).

    The regular expression explained:

    (?<=re) .. positive lookbehind (match only after this expression)
    .*? .. ‘.’ matches any character, *? is the non-greedy quantifier "0-n times, as few as possible"
    {5} .. quantifier for the preceding atom

    1 .. in the replacement is a back reference to the captured match.

    'g' .. The final parameter ‘g’ stands for "globally", i.e. replace all matches, not just the first one.

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