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I’m working with EF Core 6 and PostgreSQL, and I need to construct a query that efficiently retrieves author names along with an array of their book titles.

My database schema:


  1. BookId (number)
  2. AuthorId (number)
  3. BookName (string)


  1. AuthorId (number)
  2. AuthorName (string)

The SQL query I’m trying to achieve is:

SELECT Authors.AuthorName, array_agg(Books.BookName)
FROM Authors
JOIN Books ON Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId
GROUP BY Authors.AuthorId

Since EF Core 6 doesn’t directly support array_agg, how can I translate this into C# LINQ to SQL while prioritizing performance?

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:


from a in context.Authors
join b in context.Books
on a.AuthorId equals b.AuthorId
group b.BookName by a.AuthorId into g
select new 
    AuthorId = g.Key,
    BookNames = g.Select(name => name).ToList() 

Currently everything I tried when using Group By translated to join and then another leftJoin.

Is there a way for me to add a translation to array_agg?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    At the end I have created a view on top of the table with a migration. Then I used the view as a regular table in my code. That way I didn't need to "play" with EF too much.. The only downside is that for every change I need to change the view manually in SQL in a migration.

    Link for how to use views in EF core:

  2. It’s pretty easy to just add your own custom translator for array_agg. In EF Core 7 this has now been added, but you can create a custom one yourself.

    Copying bits from the official code, you first need a function you can put into the expression

    public static class MyAggregateDbFunctionsExtensions
        public static T[] ArrayAgg<T>(this DbFunctions _, IEnumerable<T> input) =>
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    Then a translator to create a SqlExpression from the query Expression tree.

    public class MyAggregateMethodTranslator(
        NpgsqlSqlExpressionFactory sqlExpressionFactory,
        IRelationalTypeMappingSource typeMappingSource,
        IModel model
    ) : IAggregateMethodCallTranslator
        private NpgsqlSqlExpressionFactory _sqlExpressionFactory = sqlExpressionFactory;
        private IRelationalTypeMappingSource _typeMappingSource = typeMappingSource;
        private IModel _model;
        public virtual SqlExpression? Translate(
            MethodInfo method,
            EnumerableExpression source,
            IReadOnlyList<SqlExpression> arguments,
            IDiagnosticsLogger<DbLoggerCategory.Query> logger)
            if (source.Selector is not SqlExpression sqlExpression)
                return null;
            if (method.DeclaringType == typeof(MyAggregateDbFunctionsExtensions)
                && method.Name == nameof(MyAggregateDbFunctionsExtensions.ArrayAgg))
                return _sqlExpressionFactory.AggregateFunction(
                            nullable: true,
                            argumentsPropagateNullability: [false],
                            returnType: method.ReturnType,
                            typeMapping: sqlExpression.TypeMapping is null
                                ? null
                                : _typeMappingSource.FindMapping(method.ReturnType, _model, sqlExpression.TypeMapping));
            return null;

    Then a plugin to offer up that translator. You will add this to your ServicesCollection via Dependency Injection:

    public class MyAggregateMethodCallTranslatorPlugin : IAggregateMethodCallTranslatorPlugin
        public MyAggregateMethodCallTranslatorPlugin(
            ISqlExpressionFactory sqlExpressionFactory,
            IRelationalTypeMappingSource typeMappingSource,
            IModel model
            Translators = [
                new MyAggregateMethodTranslator((NpgsqlSqlExpressionFactory) sqlExpressionFactory, typeMappingSource, model),
        public IEnumerable<IAggregateMethodCallTranslator> Translators { get; }

    You add it to the ServiceCollection

    services.AddScoped<IAggregateMethodCallTranslatorPlugin, MyAggregateMethodCallTranslatorPlugin>();

    Then you can use it in your query like this

    from a in context.Authors
    join b in context.Books
    on a.AuthorId equals b.AuthorId
    group b.BookName by a.AuthorId into g
    select new 
        AuthorId = g.Key,
        BookNames = EF.Functions.ArrayAgg(g.Select(name => name)),
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