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for the below code, I have deleted the hist.game_hist table from db.
Now, according to the code below, I want my code to pickup the else condition and avoid going into the then condition (as game_hist does not exists, it will throw error).

But Till now, when I try to run this code, I get the error that, from then condition "hist.game_hist does not exists".

FROM stg.stg_game pi

WHERE pi.status != '9'

AND pi.hvr_capture_timestamp::timestamp >
        WHEN EXISTS (
            SELECT 1
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_schema = 'hist' AND table_name = 'game_hist'
            (SELECT max(dbt_updated_at) - INTERVAL '120 minutes' FROM hist.game_hist),
        ELSE '1900-01-01'::timestamp

for the above code, I have deleted the hist.game_hist table from db.
Now, according to the code below, I want my code to pickup the else condition and avoid going into the then condition (as game_hist does not exists, it will throw error).

But Till now, when I try to run this code, I get the error that, from then condition "hist.game_hist does not exists".



  1. The problem you are facing comes from the database’s attempt to assess the subquery in the THEN condition even when table doesn’t exist. You can conditionally run the subquery only if the table exists by using dynamic SQL to prevent this.
    Try this updated code. This code conditionally executes the subquery only if the table exists using a PL/pgSQL block with dynamic SQL. It immediately sets max_dbt_updated_at to the default value if the table is not found, preventing the issue you were experiencing.

    DO $$ 
        table_exists BOOLEAN;
        max_dbt_updated_at TIMESTAMP;
        -- Check if the table exists
            SELECT 1
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_schema = 'hist' AND table_name = 'game_hist'
        ) INTO table_exists;
        -- Use dynamic SQL to conditionally execute the subquery
        IF table_exists THEN
            EXECUTE 'SELECT COALESCE(max(dbt_updated_at) - INTERVAL ''120 minutes'', ''1900-01-01''::timestamp) FROM hist.game_hist'
            INTO max_dbt_updated_at;
            max_dbt_updated_at := '1900-01-01'::timestamp;
        END IF;
        -- Your main query
        FROM stg.stg_game pi
        WHERE pi.status != '9'
        AND pi.hvr_capture_timestamp::timestamp > max_dbt_updated_at;
    END $$;

    Hope it’s helpful 🙂

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  2. The following query produces the desired results the OP described:

    SELECT pi.*
      FROM stg.stg_game pi
      WHERE pi.status != '9'
        AND pi.hvr_capture_timestamp::timestamp > 
            COALESCE((SELECT (XPATH('/table/row/earliest_ts/text()',
                                    QUERY_TO_XML(FORMAT($$SELECT MAX(dbt_update_at) - INTERVAL '120' MINUTE AS earliest_ts FROM %1$I.%2$I$$,
                        FROM information_schema.tables ist
                       WHERE ist.table_schema = 'hist'
                         AND ist.table_name = 'game_hist'), '1900-01-01'::timestamp);

    This approach takes advantage of QUERY_TO_XML‘s ability to execute dynamic SQL. Because it is a SQL query instead of a PL/pgSQL anonymous block, it can be used directly as part of a larger SQL query. If hist.game_hist doesn’t exist, then the SELECT list in the infromation_schema.tables subquery is not evaluated, and the subquery returns NULL. This query also avoids repeating the default value for the capture timestamp comparison.

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