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I am confused why here the result is TRUE

select 'Clark' in ('Dave', null, 'Clark');

But here it’s NULL (instead of evaluating to TRUE)

select 'Ava' not in ('Dave', null, 'Clark');

Can somebody please explain?



  1. SELECT 'Clark' IN ('Dave', NULL, 'Clark'); → TRUE

    ‘Clark’ is in the list, so IN returns TRUE, ignoring NULL.

    SELECT 'Ava' NOT IN ('Dave', NULL, 'Clark'); → NULL

    NOT IN checks all values. Since NULL makes Ava <> NULL unknown, the result is NULL.

    To fix it,You should use IS DISTINCT FROM to avoid NULL issues: here is an example:


    This returns TRUE

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  2. In SQL, logical operations are three-valued because of the presence of NULL (missing data). Clark = NULL cannot be defined as TRUE or FLASE because it is not known what it is compared to.

    In the first example, you check whether Clark is present in the list Dave, null and Clark:

    Clark = Dave  -> FALSE
    Clark = NULL  -> NULL
    Clark = Clark -> TRUE

    Clearly Clark is present in the list, despite the unknown (NULL) value

    In the second example, you check whether Ava is not present (it really doesn’t matter) in the list Dave, null, Clark:

    Ava = Dave  -> FALSE
    Ava = NULL  -> NULL
    Ava = Clark -> FALSE

    The problem here is, we don’t know what Ava = NULL actually returns. Depending on the data, it can be either TRUE or FLASE. Since there is no way to determine this unambiguously, the final result is NULL (cannot be determined)

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