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I consider a row duplicate when the combination of hash_key and load_date is repeating. I can find such rows using this CTE:

with w_duplicated_rows as (
    select hash_key, load_date, count(*),
    --row_number() over (partition by hash_key, load_date order by load_date desc) as row_num
    from my_table
    group by hash_key, load_date having count(*) > 1

This gives me the combinations which are being repeated in the table.

Now, I want to delete duplicates from the original my_table. I have another column called STATUS. While deleting duplicates, I want to delete the row after filtering on ORDER BY STATUS DESC. Means I want to keep the top row and remove the second one (where status is lower).

How can I achieve this?



  1. I can suggest using ROW_NUMBER() window function to assign a row number to each row within the duplicate groups, ordered by STATUS DESC. Then, you can use a common table expression (CTE) to identify the rows with row numbers greater than 1 and delete them from the original table.

    Here’s an example query:

    WITH ranked_rows AS (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY hash_key, load_date ORDER BY STATUS DESC) AS row_num
        FROM my_table
        WHERE (hash_key, load_date) IN (
            SELECT hash_key, load_date
            FROM my_table
            GROUP BY hash_key, load_date
            HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
    DELETE FROM my_table
    WHERE (hash_key, load_date) IN (
        SELECT hash_key, load_date
        FROM ranked_rows
        WHERE row_num > 1

    Make sure to test this query on a backup before
    applying it to the entire table.

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  2. If you’ve truly got no field to break ties maybe ctid is the best it’ll get. Hard to tell if you are using postgres or redshift. Redshift appears to have a similar concept with row_id. But read the documentation.

    Rationale – Basic strategy to preferentially select the duplicate with the highest status, but add the system unique identifier to break ties.


    create table some_test_data
        hash_key varchar(255),
        load_date date,
        status integer
    insert into some_test_data values
      ('abc', '2024-01-01', 0),
      ('abc', '2024-01-01', 1),
      ('abc', '2024-01-01', 1),
      ('cde', '2024-01-02', 1),
      ('efg', '2024-01-03', 0),
      ('efg', '2024-01-04', 0);
    with duplicates_to_delete as 
        select *,
               row_number() over ( partition by
                 order by status desc,
                          ctid desc) as rn
          from some_test_data
    delete from some_test_data del_target
      where exists
                select 1
                  from duplicates_to_delete dtd
                 where del_target.hash_key = dtd.hash_key
                   and del_target.load_date = dtd.load_date
                   and del_target.ctid = dtd.ctid
                   and dtd.rn > 1
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