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For reasons outside of my control I am trying to build a graph-like data structure in PostgreSQL. The business requirement is that everytime a node changes, its edges need to be re-computed. Also, there is the possibility of stale reads from the edge creation algorithm, which means I need to guard the edges somehow. So far I’ve come up with

drop table if exists node;
drop table if exists edge;
create table node (
    id varchar(32),
    version int not null default 1,
    data varchar(32),
    primary key (id),
    unique (id, version)

create table edge
    id1       varchar(32) not null,
    version1  int         not null,
    id2       varchar(32) not null,
    version2  int         not null,

    constraint normalize check (id1 < id2),
    foreign key (id1, version1) references node (id, version) on delete cascade,
    foreign key (id2, version2) references node (id, version) on delete cascade,
    primary key (id1, id2)

However, when I try to update the version of a node, I get into trouble:

insert into node (id, version, data) values ('id1', 1, 'Emmy'), ('id2', 1, 'Marie');
insert into edge (id1, version1, id2, version2) values ('id1', 1, 'id2', 1);
update node set version = version + 1 where id = 'id1'; -- should delete the edge; instead [23503] ERROR: update or delete on table "node" violates foreign key constraint "edge_id1_version1_fkey" on table "edge"

Is there a way to make this work in a single query without having to start a transaction? I kinda wish for an on update delete clause.



  1. If your goal is to delete any edge referencing the updated node, you can add a delete in a cte, as a part of the same statement: demo at db<>fiddle

    with cte as (delete from edge where 'id1' in (id1,id2))
    update node 
       set version = version + 1 
       where id = 'id1'; 

    Or the other way around, taking version into account:

    with cte as (
       update node 
       set version = version + 1 
       where id = 'id1'
       returning version)
    delete from edge 
    using cte 
    where ('id1',cte.version-1) 
       in ((id1,version1),(id2,version2)); 
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  2. Try use constraint check time.
    Set DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED for references (that is default setting?);
    Then update or delete in one query. Constraint checks executed at the end of query.

    create table edge
        id1       varchar(32) not null,
        version1  int         not null,
        id2       varchar(32) not null,
        version2  int         not null,
        constraint normalize check (id1 < id2),
    --    foreign key (id1, version1)  references node (id, version) on delete cascade,
    --    foreign key (id2, version2)  references node (id, version) on delete cascade,
        primary key (id1, id2)
    ALTER TABLE edge
        ADD CONSTRAINT unique_reference1_node FOREIGN KEY (id1, version1) REFERENCES node (id, version) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
    ALTER TABLE edge
        ADD CONSTRAINT unique_reference2_node FOREIGN KEY (id2, version2) REFERENCES node (id, version) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

    Then update

    with u0 as(
     update edge 
       set  version1 = version1 + 1 
     where id1 = 'id1'
    update node set version = version + 1 where id = 'id1';


    Here examples

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