I have a RESTful app. Here’s a test method from it. It is intended to retrieve a page of QuestionCommentResponseDto
objects in descending order
@Sql(executionPhase = BEFORE_TEST_METHOD, value = BASE_SCRIPT_PATH + "GetPageTest/before.sql")
@Sql(executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD, value = BASE_SCRIPT_PATH + "GetPageTest/after.sql") // truncating
public void getPageOneSizeFiveSortByIdDescTest() throws Exception {
token = testUtil.getToken(testUsername, testPassword);
MockHttpServletResponse response = mockMvc.perform(get(BASE_URI + "page/" + 1)
.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token)
.param("pageSize", "5")
.param("sortType", "ID_DESC"))
// asserts omitted
<!-- the before script -->
<!-- the same for accounts, questions, tags, question_comments -->
INSERT INTO permissions(id, name, created_date, modified_date)
VALUES (1, 'ADMIN', current_timestamp, current_timestamp),
(2, 'MODERATOR', current_timestamp, current_timestamp),
(3, 'USER', current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
INSERT INTO accounts(id, username, password, enabled, created_date, modified_date)
VALUES (1, 'mickey_m', '$2y$10$ZdqfOo1vwdHJJGnkmGrw/OUelZcU9ZfRFaX/RMN3XniXH96eTkB1e', true, current_timestamp,
(2, 'minerva_m', '$2y$10$PiZxGGi904rCLdTSGY1ycuQhcEtQrP1u74KvQ2IEuk5Jh18Ml.6xO', true, current_timestamp,
INSERT INTO accounts_permissions(account_id, permission_id)
VALUES (1, 3),
(2, 3);
INSERT INTO questions(id, created_date, modified_date, title, description, account_id)
VALUES (1, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'title', 'description', 2);
INSERT INTO tags(id, created_date, modified_date, name)
VALUES (1, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'tag1'),
(2, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'tag2'),
(3, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'tag3');
INSERT INTO questions_tags(question_id, tag_id)
VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3);
INSERT INTO question_comments(id, created_date, modified_date, text, account_id, question_id)
VALUES (1, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'text', 1, 1),
<!-- the middle rows are omitted -->
(10, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, 'text', 1, 1);
public class QuestionCommentResponseDto {
private final Long id;
private final Long questionId;
private final LocalDateTime createdDate;
private final LocalDateTime modifiedDate;
private final String text;
private AccountResponseDto owner;
// constructors, equals(), hashcode()
public class AccountResponseDto {
private Long id;
private String username;
// equals(), hashcode()
// the relevant controller method
public ResponseEntity<Data<Page<QuestionCommentResponseDto>>> getPage(@PathVariable @Positive @NotNull Integer pageNumber,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "20") @NotNull Integer pageSize,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "ID_ASC") @NotNull SortType sortType) {
PaginationParameters params = PaginationParameters.ofPageNumberSizeAndSortType(pageNumber, pageSize, sortType);
// ↑ PaginationParameters is a simple record class defined as PaginationParameters(Integer pageNumber, Integer size, SortType sortType)
Page<QuestionCommentResponseDto> page = dtoService.getPage(params);
Data<Page<QuestionCommentResponseDto>> responseData = Data.build(page); // a two-bit wrapper
return ResponseEntity.ok(responseData);
public enum SortType {
ID_ASC(" id "),
ID_DESC(" id DESC "),
// some extra constants
private String query;
// a basic utility class
public class PaginationParametersProcessor {
public static String extractSortingModifier(PaginationParameters params) {
return params.sortType().getQuery();
public static int extractFirstResultIndex(PaginationParameters params) {
return (params.pageNumber() - 1) * params.size();
public static int extractMaxResults(PaginationParameters params) {
return params.size();
eventually comes down to this
public List<QuestionCommentResponseDto> getDtosWithoutSetOwner(PaginationParameters params) {
String sortingModifier = PaginationParametersProcessor.extractSortingModifier(params); // assigns " id DESC "
int offset = PaginationParametersProcessor.extractFirstResultIndex(params);
int limit = PaginationParametersProcessor.extractMaxResults(params);
return entityManager.createQuery("""
SELECT new stack.overflow.model.dto.response.QuestionCommentResponseDto (
qc.id, q.id, qc.createdDate, qc.modifiedDate, qc.text
) FROM QuestionComment qc JOIN qc.question q
ORDER BY :sort
""", QuestionCommentResponseDto.class)
.setParameter("sort", sortingModifier)
The :sort
parameter is successfully passed into the query executed by Hibernate. Here’s a snippet from my console output
Hibernate: select questionco0_.id as col_0_0_, question1_.id as col_1_0_, questionco0_.created_date as col_2_0_, questionco0_.modified_date as col_3_0_, questionco0_.text as col_4_0_ from question_comments questionco0_ inner join questions question1_ on questionco0_.question_id=question1_.id order by ? limit ?
2023-06-04 16:46:53.164 TRACE 3172 --- [ main] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder : binding parameter [1] as [VARCHAR] - [ id DESC ]
But the ids in the resulting list are in an ascending, not descending order
Body = {"data":{"dtos":[{"id":1,"questionId":1,"createdDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","modifiedDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","text":"text","owner":{"id":1,"username":"mickey_m"}},{"id":2,"questionId":1,"createdDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","modifiedDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","text":"text","owner":{"id":1,"username":"mickey_m"}},{"id":3,"questionId":1,"createdDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","modifiedDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","text":"text","owner":{"id":1,"username":"mickey_m"}},{"id":4,"questionId":1,"createdDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","modifiedDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","text":"text","owner":{"id":1,"username":"mickey_m"}},{"id":5,"questionId":1,"createdDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","modifiedDate":"2023-06-04T16:46:52.942835","text":"text","owner":{"id":1,"username":"mickey_m"}}],"count":10}}
Why is that and how do I fix it? Is it because Postgres can’t figure out which id
I mean (QuestionComment
‘s or Question
‘s)? Suggestions?
In case you need to look at the entire project, here’s the repo
that is actually not true. The resulting query effectively looks like:
That is clearly stated in HBN debug message:
Basically, you are sorting by a constant, but not by a column. Anticipating a follow-up Q about how to parameterise column name in
order by
clause: you can’t, you can parameterise constants, but not columns.Just look at my answer here. You cannot change execution plan with
parameters, changingasc
or vice-versa changes the execution plan. So neither SQL nor Hibernate won’t do that (as you except).So when you are passing that as
parameter, you are passing a constant, so your DBMS just runs the query as:which is a constant!