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Imagine I have rows of data in a postgres table, such as:

Id Value
1 User_1
2 Region_3
3 User_2

And I want to select out values in a way that uses the part of Value before the _ character to determine which column to populate, such that the results would be:

Id User Region
1 1 null
2 null 3
3 2 null

There would only need to be a fixed number of values that would only ever be small. Is there a way to do this in SQL?

I can see that it’s possible to populate cells with different values such as in this answer, but I have not been able to find any details on populating a column based on the content of a row.

I’ve been able to get the relevant part of the value out using left:

left("Value", strpos("Value", '_') - 1) as "Type"

But I cannot see how I would take this and use it determining the column.



  1. use the case statement.

    here is the fiddle

    select id, 
    case  split_part(value, '_', 1)
        when 'User' then split_part(value, '_', 2)
        end as User,
     case  split_part(value, '_', 1)
        when 'Region' then split_part(value, '_', 2)
        end as Region
    from tableone;
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  2. For more columns, split the string once in a subquery, and add a cast once (if all share the same target type), and use a CASE expression per column in the outer SELECT:

    SELECT id
         , CASE WHEN key = 'User'   THEN value END AS "User"
         , CASE WHEN key = 'Region' THEN value END AS "Region"
    FROM  (
       SELECT id
            , split_part(value, '_', 1) AS key
            , split_part(value, '_', 2)::int AS value  -- cast?
       FROM   tbl
       ) sub;



    For more than a few target columns, or to combine multiple values with the same id value in a single row (not the case in your sample values!), consider a crosstab() query:

    SELECT *
    FROM   crosstab(
       SELECT id
            , split_part(value, '_', 1) AS key
            , split_part(value, '_', 2) AS value
       FROM   tbl
    -- ORDER  BY id  -- not needed for single value per target row (?)
     , $$VALUES ('User'::text), ('Region')$$        -- more?
       ) AS ct (id int, "User" int, "Region" int);  -- more?


    This also casts value columns from text to int implicitly.


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