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I have some partially columnar data like this:

"hello", "2024 JAN", "2024 FEB"
"a", 0, 1

If it were purely columnar, it would look like:

"hello", "year", "month", "value"
"a", 2024, "JAN", 0
"a", 2024, "FEB", 1

Suppose the data is in the form of a numpy array, like this:

import numpy as np

data = np.array([["hello", "2024 JAN", "2024 FEB"], ["a", "0", "1"]], dtype="<U")
array([['hello', '2024 JAN', '2024 FEB'],
       ['a', '0', '1']], dtype='<U8')

Imagine also that I created a table:

import duckdb as ddb

conn = ddb.connect("hello.db")
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE columnar (hello VARCHAR, year UINTEGER, month VARCHAR, value VARCHAR);")

How could I go about efficiently inserting data into the DuckDB table columnar?

The naive/easy way would be to brute-force transform the data into a columnar format in-memory, in Python, before inserting it into the DuckDB table.

Here I mean specifically:

import re

data_header = data[0]
data_proper = data[1:]

date_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<year>[d]+) (?P<month>JAN|FEB)")
common_labels: list[str] = []
known_years: set[int] = set()
known_months: set[str] = set()
header_to_date: Dict[str, tuple[int, str]] = dict()
for header in data_header:
    if matches := date_pattern.match(header):
        year, month = int(matches["year"]), str(matches["month"])
        header_to_date[header] = (year, month)

# hello, year, month, value
new_rows_per_old_row = len(known_years) * len(known_months)
new_headers = ["year", "month", "value"]
purely_columnar = np.empty(
        1 + data_proper.shape[0] * new_rows_per_old_row,
        len(common_labels) + len(new_headers),
purely_columnar[0] = common_labels + ["year", "month", "value"]
for rx, row in enumerate(data_proper):
    common_data = []
    ym_data = []
    for header, element in zip(data_header, row):
        if header in common_labels:
            year, month = header_to_date[header]
            ym_data.append([year, month, element])

    for yx, year_month_value in enumerate(ym_data):
            1 + rx * new_rows_per_old_row + yx, : len(common_labels)
        ] = common_data
            1 + rx * new_rows_per_old_row + yx, len(common_labels) :
        ] = year_month_value

array([[np.str_('hello'), 'year', 'month', 'value'],
       [np.str_('a'), 2024, 'JAN', np.str_('0')],
       [np.str_('a'), 2024, 'FEB', np.str_('1')]], dtype=object)

Now it is easy enough to store this data in DuckDB:

purely_columnar_data = np.transpose(purely_columnar[1:])
    """INSERT INTO columnar
    SELECT * FROM purely_columnar_data
conn.sql("SELECT * FROM columnar")
│  hello  │  year  │  month  │  value  │
│ varchar │ uint32 │ varchar │ varchar │
│ a       │   2024 │ JAN     │ 0       │
│ a       │   2024 │ FEB     │ 1       │

But is there any other way in which I can insert the data into a DuckDB in a purely columnar form, apart from brute-forcing the data into a purely columnar form first?

Note: I have tagged this question with postgresql because DuckDB’s SQL dialect closely follows that of PostgreSQL.



  1. Note: I added another row ("b",1,0) to make the data a bit more substantive so that it’s easier to see what’s happening.

    Essentially what you have is a "pivoted" dataset:

    D SELECT * FROM 'pivoted-data.csv';
    │  hello  │ 2024 JAN │ 2024 FEB │
    │ varchar │  int64   │  int64   │
    │ a       │        0 │        1 │
    │ b       │        1 │        0 │

    So UNPIVOT it:

    D SELECT hello, string_split(month, ' ')[1]::INTEGER AS year, string_split(month, ' ')[2] AS month, value
      FROM (UNPIVOT 'pivoted-data.csv' ON '2024 JAN', '2024 FEB' INTO NAME month VALUE value);
    │  hello  │ year  │  month  │ value │
    │ varchar │ int32 │ varchar │ int64 │
    │ a       │  2024 │ JAN     │     0 │
    │ a       │  2024 │ FEB     │     1 │
    │ b       │  2024 │ JAN     │     1 │
    │ b       │  2024 │ FEB     │     0 │

    Following which you could use one of the string functions to parse the month further.

    EDIT: I had a crack at splitting the string, it’s not the most efficient, but I figured the query optimiser probably sees the code duplication, and optimises it.

    EDIT2: Okay, EXPLAIN confirms that the duplication is optimised away:

    ││       Physical Plan       ││
    │         PROJECTION        │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │           hello           │
    │            year           │
    │           month           │
    │           value           │
    │         PROJECTION        │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │           hello           │
    │  string_split(month, ' ') │
    │           value           │
    │         PROJECTION        │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │             #0            │
    │             #3            │
    │             #4            │
    │           FILTER          │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │    (value IS NOT NULL)    │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │           EC: 1           │
    │           UNNEST          │
    │       READ_CSV_AUTO       │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │           hello           │
    │          2024 JAN         │
    │          2024 FEB         │
    │   ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─   │
    │           EC: 3           │
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  2. A slight variant on the answer from @suvayu:

    SELECT hello, CAST(strptime(month, '%Y %b') AS DATE) AS month, value
    FROM (
      UNPIVOT 'pivoted-data.csv'
      ON COLUMNS(* EXCLUDE (hello)) 
      INTO NAME month VALUE value);

    The two differences are:

    1. Use of strptime() to parse the date.
    2. Use of a COLUMNS expression to make the query a little more dynamic (I assume the real data set has more dates in it).
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