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I am trying to insert dates extracted from JSON into a table but getting errors

My code is as follows:

create  table tmp (
  c TEXT

   ID                   int NOT NULL,
   ChannelID            INT,
   DeviceChannelID      UUID,
   SerialNumber         VARCHAR(10),
   DownloadTableName    VARCHAR(100),
   ReadingTrimDate      timestamp without time zone,
   BeginningDate        timestamp without time zone,
   EndDate              timestamp without time zone


insert into tmp values


Now this is all defined , i am attempting to insert data from my JSON into the
temporary table Channel_Info as follows:

INSERT INTO Channel_Info(ID,ChannelID,SerialNumber,BeginningDate,EndDate)
       row_number() over (order by ChannelID::text::int ) as ID,
        c::json ->> 'SerialNumber' as SerialNumber,
        c::json ->> 'BeginningDate' as BeginningDate,
         c::json ->> 'EndDate' as EndDate
from tmp
CROSS JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(c::json -> 'ChannelIDs') as ChannelID

But get the following error:

[2023-11-07 13:12:18] [42804] ERROR: column "beginningdate" is of type timestamp without time zone but expression is of type text
[2023-11-07 13:12:18] Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
[2023-11-07 13:12:18] Position: 241

Now i tried the following:

INSERT INTO Channel_Info(ID,ChannelID,SerialNumber,BeginningDate,EndDate)
       row_number() over (order by ChannelID::text::int ) as ID,
        c::json ->> 'SerialNumber' as SerialNumber,
        c::json::timestamp without time zone ->> 'BeginningDate' as BeginningDate,
        c::json::timestamp without time zone  ->> 'EndDate' as EndDate
from tmp
CROSS JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(c::json -> 'ChannelIDs') as ChannelID

but got the following error :

[2023-11-07 13:15:08] [42846] ERROR: cannot cast type json to timestamp without time zone
[2023-11-07 13:15:08] Position: 173



  1. You need to cast date columns from text (operator ->> return JSON element as text) to timestamp :

    INSERT INTO Channel_Info(ID, ChannelID, SerialNumber, BeginningDate, EndDate)
           row_number() over (order by ChannelID::text::int ) as ID,
            c::json ->> 'SerialNumber' as SerialNumber,
            (c::json ->> 'BeginningDate')::timestamp as BeginningDate,
            (c::json ->> 'EndDate')::timestamp as EndDate
    from tmp
    CROSS JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(c::json -> 'ChannelIDs') as ChannelID

    Demo here

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  2. You shouldn’t need the cast at all, the string returned from c::json ->> 'BeginningDate' will be automatically cast on INSERT per this example:

    Table "public.dt_test"
     Column  |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default 
     id      | integer                     |           |          | 
     ts_fld  | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
     tsz_fld | timestamp with time zone    |           |          |
    insert into dt_test values(1, '2023-05-20T11:53:39', '2023-05-20T11:53:39');
    select * from dt_test ;
     id |       ts_fld        |        tsz_fld         
      1 | 2023-05-20 11:53:39 | 2023-05-20 11:53:39-07


    c::json ->> 'BeginningDate' as BeginningDate

    will work.

    Your issue was c::json::timestamp without time zone which was trying to cast the entire JSON object:


    as timestamp without time zone instead of just the "BeginningDate" value "2023-05-20T11:53:39".

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