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I have students associated to schools, and want to find all schools that have five or fewer (including zero) students that have has_mohawk = false.

Here’s an Activerecord query:

      .having("count( < 5")
      .where(students: {has_mohawk: true})

This works for schools with 1 – 4 such students with mohawks, but omits schools where there are no such students!

I figured out a working solution and will post it. But I am interested in a more elegant solution.

Using Rails 5. I’m also curious whether Rails 6’s missing could handle this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In addition to the first query, write another to find schools where no students have mohawks (works in Rails 5).

          .having("max(has_mohawk::Integer) = 0")

    You might think from this popular answer that you could instead just write:

          .where.not(student: {has_mohawk: true})

    But that will include (at least in Rails 5) schools where there is any student with a has_mohawk value of false, even if some students have a has_mohawk value of true.

    Explanation of max(has_mohawk::Integer) = 0

    It converts the boolean to an integer (1 for true, 0 for false). Schools with any true values will have a max of 1, and can thus be filtered out.

    Similiar: SQL: Select records where ALL joined records satisfy some condition

  2. find all schools that have five or fewer (including zero) students that have has_mohawk = false.

    Here is an optimized SQL solution. SQL is what it comes down to in any case. (ORMs like Active Record are limited in their capabilities.)

    SELECT sc.*
    FROM   schools sc
    LEFT   JOIN (
       SELECT school_id
       FROM   students
       WHERE  has_mohawk = false
       GROUP  BY 1
       HAVING count(*) >= 5
       ) st ON st.school_id =
    WHERE  st.school_id IS NULL;  -- "not disqualified"

    While involving all rows, aggregate before joining. That’s faster.
    This query takes the reverse approach by excluding schools with 5 or more qualifying students. The rest is your result – incl. schools with 0 qualifying students. See:

    Any B-tree index on students (school_id) can support this query, but this partial multicolumn index would be perfect:

    CREATE INDEX ON students (school_id) WHERE has_mohawk = false;

    If there can be many students per school, this is faster:

    SELECT sc.*
    FROM   schools sc
       SELECT count(*) < 5 AS qualifies
       FROM  (
          SELECT  -- select list can be empty (cheapest)
          FROM   students st
          WHERE  st.school_id =
          AND    st.has_mohawk = false
          LIMIT  5  -- !
          ) st1
       ) st2 ON st2.qualifies;

    The point is not to count all qualifying students, but stop looking once we found 5. Since the join to the LATERAL subquery with an aggregate function always returns a row (as opposed to the join in the first query), schools without qualifying students are kept in the loop, and we don’t need the reverse approach.

    About LATERAL:

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