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I have a database of songs, and I want to find duplicates:

  • With the exact same title, e.g. "itsy bitsy" vs "itsy bitsy"
  • OR with one title the substring of the other, e.g. "itsy bitsy" vs "itsy bitsy spider"

I have tried using LIKE like this:

  scope :duplicate_titles, -> {
    where("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM songs AS songs1
                            WHERE songs1.title LIKE (songs.title || '%')) > 1")

However it’s very slow, queries that were 40ms jump to 2s with this LIKE statement.

Is there a better way to find duplicates, including where one field is the substring of another?

Edit 1: some examples

id: 1, title: "itsy bitsy spider"
id: 2, title: "itsy bitsy"
id: 3, title: "row, row, row your boat"
id: 4, title: "twinkle twinkle"
id: 5, title: "twinkle twinkle little star"

In this data, I would want to find songs 1,2,4,5 (or at least songs 2 and 4) because they are duplicates.

Edit 2: Another attempt

I tried using substring like this:

  scope :duplicate_titles, -> {
    where("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM songs AS songs1
                            WHERE SUBSTRING(songs1.title, 0, LENGTH(songs.title)+1) = songs.title) > 1")

But this took even longer, 4.3s to execute a query..



  1. data

    CREATE TABLE mytable(
       id     INTEGER  NOT NULL  
      ,title  VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO mytable(id,title) VALUES (1,'itsy bitsy spider');
    INSERT INTO mytable(id,title) VALUES (2,'itsy bitsy');
    INSERT INTO mytable(id,title) VALUES (3,'row row row your boat');
    INSERT INTO mytable(id,title) VALUES (4,'twinkle twinkle');
    INSERT INTO mytable(id,title) VALUES (5,'twinkle twinkle little star');

    use join on like

    select * from mytable m1
    join mytable m2
    on  m1.title LIKE '%' || m2.title || '%'

    or use contain as follows

    select * from mytable m1
    join mytable m2
    on  POSITION(m2.title IN m1.title)<>0


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  2. You can use any text value directly as a POSIX regular expression and look for a case-insensitive match using ~* operator. If it’s a substring or the same whole value, it’ll match. Demo at db<>fiddle:

    id title
    1 itsy bitsy spider
    2 itsy bitsy
    3 itsy bitsy
    4 row row row your boat
    5 twinkle twinkle
    6 twinkle twinkle little star
    select * from song s1 
    inner join song s2 
     on s1.title ~* s2.title;
    id title id title
    1 itsy bitsy spider 1 itsy bitsy spider
    1 itsy bitsy spider 2 itsy bitsy
    1 itsy bitsy spider 3 itsy bitsy
    2 itsy bitsy 2 itsy bitsy
    2 itsy bitsy 3 itsy bitsy
    3 itsy bitsy 2 itsy bitsy
    3 itsy bitsy 3 itsy bitsy
    4 row row row your boat 4 row row row your boat
    5 twinkle twinkle 5 twinkle twinkle
    6 twinkle twinkle little star 5 twinkle twinkle
    6 twinkle twinkle little star 6 twinkle twinkle little star

    For more flexibility and performance you’d probably be interested in Full Text Search rather than pattern matching.

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