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I would like to find out the average time that a client waits on a response from a project manager in a chat conversation.

I need to make sure it only calculates the waiting time for the last client message in a row. E.g. the client writes five messages in a row and then the account manager answers two hours later, then we should ignore the first four messages from the client.

I am also only interested in project conversations, so I need to ignore task conversations.

We are using PostgreSQL 14.7.

The tables looks like this (simplified):


id role
153 account_manager
157 client

role is either client or account_manager


id object_type
12 project
13 task

object_type is either project or task


id user_id conversation_id created_at
1133 157 12 2023-04-19 13:05:48
1157 157 12 2023-04-19 13:06:00
1163 157 12 2023-04-19 13:15:00
1178 153 12 2023-04-19 14:15:00
1209 157 12 2023-04-20 10:23:00
1327 153 12 2023-04-20 14:23:00

In the example above the average time would be (1+4)/2= 2,5 hours

I would also like to know how that number changes over time, so I would need it grouped per month.

Thanks a lot for any help on this!

I have tried various approaches without success.



  1. Take rows where with role account_amanger and previous role client, use lag(). Then count average:

    select avg (created_at - prev_time)
    from (
      select m.*, u.role, lag(u.role) over (order by created_at) prev_role,
             lag(created_at) over (order by created_at) prev_time
      from messages m join users u on = m.user_id
      where m.conversation_id = 12) m
    where role = 'account_manager' and prev_role = 'client'

    dbfiddle demo

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  2. Here is the test data :

    create table users (id integer, role varchar(50));
    insert into users values
    (153, 'account_manager'),
    (157, 'client');
    -- select * from users;
    create table conversations (id integer, object_type varchar(50));
    insert into conversations values
    (12, 'project'),
    (13, 'task');
    -- select * from conversations;
    create table messages (id integer, user_id integer, conversation_id integer,
    created_at timestamp);
    insert into messages values
    (1133,  157,    12, '2023-04-19 13:05:48'),
    (1157,  157,    12, '2023-04-19 13:06:00'),
    (1163,  157,    12, '2023-04-19 13:15:00'),
    (1178,  153,    12, '2023-04-19 14:15:00'),
    (1209,  157,    12, '2023-04-20 10:23:00'),
    (1327,  153,    12, '2023-04-20 14:23:00');
    -- select * from messages;

    And now the query :

    with user_messages as (
         select * from messages
         where user_id = (select id from users where role = 'client' limit 1)),
    manager_messages as (
         select * from messages
         where user_id = (select id from users where role = 'account_manager' limit 1))
    select avg(tm.created_at - tu.created_at)
    from manager_messages tm LEFT OUTER JOIN user_messages tu
    on tu.created_at = (select coalesce(max(um.created_at),tm.created_at)
                           from user_messages um
                           where um.created_at < tm.created_at);
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