I am trying to create a FOR loop to loop through an array list of table names.
Something like
for x in list{
select * from x;
basically doing this
select * from tableA;
select * from tableB;
select * from tableC;
This is what I’ve gotten so far.
DO $$
dataTable TEXT;
countData integer;
FOREACH dataTable IN ARRAY ARRAY['tableA','tableB','tableC']
RAISE NOTICE 'hello %', dataTable;
-- EXECUTE 'select count(*) from' || quote_ident(dataTable);
select count(*) into countData from quote_ident(dataTable);
RAISE NOTICE 'count %', countData;
END; $$;
Which results in
NOTICE: hello tableA
NOTICE: count 1
NOTICE: hello tableB
NOTICE: count 1
NOTICE: hello tableC
NOTICE: count 1
(not sure where the DO is coming from and why the value of dataCount
is 1. All the tables listed has data; more than 1 row. )
Im using SELECT as a test, but my endgoal is basically trying to execute SQL statements in a FOR loop with the table names being variables.(so, instead of SELECT, I want to use…say INSERT or DELETE)
I saw a few solutions that uses the table INFORMATION_SHCEMA or something but this is not what Im looking for.
Uncomment this line
Add space between from and single quote and change the query to
Comment the line below
The reason you get 1 every time because in your query, if you pass any string variable in quote_indent() it will return 1 try this
execute 'SELECT count(*) FROM '||quote_ident('xyz');
and the result will be the same, this means instead of treating the value in a variable as a table name it is treating it as a plain string only.from here need extra space, otherwise string will be concatenate together.