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I have a table:

user_id type date
1 prime 2022-05-31
1 usual 2022-06-30
1 usual 2022-07-31
1 usual 2022-09-31

I need to get a table grouped by user_id and type and validity period. The main difficulty is that the periods may not be consecutive (they have more than 1 month distance between each other):

Otput should be:

user_id type start_month end_month
1 prime 2022-05 2022-05
1 usual 2022-06 2022-07
1 usual 2022-09 2022-09



  1. This is a typical gaps-and-island problem, where you need to build a more refined partitioning. In order to do that you:

    • create a flag to understand when to change partition
    • compute a running sum on the flag to create your actual partitions
    • apply the aggregation
    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT *, 
               CASE WHEN LEAD(date) OVER(PARTITION BY user_id, type ORDER BY date) > date + INTERVAL '1 MONTH' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS changepart
        FROM tab
    ), cte2 AS (
        SELECT *,
               SUM(changepart) OVER(PARTITION BY user_id, type ORDER BY date) AS parts
        FROM cte
    SELECT user_id, 
           MIN(date) AS start_dt,
           MAX(date) AS end_dt
    FROM cte2
    GROUP BY user_id,


    user_id type start_dt end_dt
    1 prime 2022-05-31 2022-05-31
    1 usual 2022-06-30 2022-07-31
    1 usual 2022-09-30 2022-09-30

    Check the demo here.

    Note: You can’t have year and month only dates. A date is always composed of a year, a month and a day. At best, your "start_dt" and "end_dt" can be transposed to the first day of that month, using DATE_TRUNC('MONTH', your_date).

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  2. In another approach, we could use the row_number function as the following:

    select user_id, type, min(date_) start_month, max(date_) end_month
      select *,
        date_ - interval '1 month' * row_number() over (partition by user_id, type order by date_) grp
      from table_name
    ) t
    group by user_id, type, to_char(grp, 'YYYY-MM')
    order by user_id, type, start_month


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