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Given a table called budgets containing a rate and a time_span I want to generate a monthly daily rate for each day. The time_span must have a start date but can be open ended ["2023-06-02 00:00:00+00",).

For example given the following dataset:

  • rate: $10
  • time_span: ["2023-07-19 00:00:00+00",)

Assume the current day is 2023-09-05 00:00:00+00 I would expect the query result to show:

  • 2023-07-19 -> 2023-08-18 a rate of $10 should be divided 30 way for a daily rate of $0.333
  • 2023-08-19 -> 2023-09-05 a rate of $10 should be divided 17 days for a daily rate of $0.588

Attempt 1:

I have first attempted to solve this by generating a series from the time_span then dividing the rate against the date_part interval of one month. This is flawed as the time_bucket in the date_part does not account for the correct number of days within its monthly window.

   CAST(time_bucket AS TIMESTAMP) AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York' AS time_bucket,
   rate / DATE_PART('days', time_bucket + INTERVAL '1 month - 1 day') AS daily_rate
      DATE(generate_series(LOWER(time_span)::TIMESTAMP, COALESCE(UPPER(time_span),NOW())::TIMESTAMP, '1 day')) AS time_bucket,
   FROM budgets
) AS daily_rates;

How do I generate the daily rate on a monthly basis for this budgets table?

  • 2023-07-190.333
  • 2023-07-200.333
  • 2023-07-210.333
  • ….
  • 2023-08-190.588
  • 2023-08-200.588
  • ….



  1. I didn’t adhere exactly to your structure for simplicity and it wasn’t clear exactly how you wanted the output presented. But I threw together a SQL Fiddle to show the basic structure of a possible solution.!17/d52a4/14

    The essential bit

    with a as (
      select generate_series(start_ts, coalesce(end_ts, now()), '1 day') dt
           , start_ts
           , end_ts
           , rate 
        from budgets
    , b as (
      select rate
           , start_ts
           , end_ts
           , dt
           , date_part('month',age(dt, start_ts::date)) 
             + (date_part('year',age(dt, start_ts::date)) * 12) as mon 
      from a
    select min(dt)
         , max(dt)
         , round(rate / count(dt), 2)
      from b 
     group by mon, rate;
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  2. Using a recursive cte:

    with recursive cte(rate, timespan, n) as (
       select b.rate, b.timespan, least(b.timespan + interval '30 day', now())::timestamp 
       from budgets b
       union all
       select c.rate, c.n + interval '1 day', least(c.n + interval '30 day', now())::timestamp 
       from cte c where c.n < now()
    select t, c.rate / extract(days from c.n - c.timespan) from cte c 
    cross join generate_series(c.timespan, c.n, interval '1 day') t

    See fiddle

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  3. SELECT mon_start::date + i AS the_day, round(rate/mon_days, 3) AS daily_rate
    FROM   budgets b
       SELECT *,  LEAST(mon_start + interval '1 month', '2023-09-05')::date - mon_start::date AS mon_days
       FROM   generate_series (lower(timespan)::timestamp
                             , LEAST(upper(timespan)::timestamp, '2023-09-05')
                             , interval '1 month') mon_start
       ) m
         , generate_series (0, m.mon_days - 1) i
    WHERE  id = 1;


    Note the rate for the first month of your example is 0.323 not 0.333, since August has 31 days, not 30.

    1. Generates a series of months in the first lateral subquery m
      Calculate the number of day in this rate period of a month or shorter: mon_days

    2. Generate as many rows as there are days in mon_days in the second lateral function call i – effectively just shorthand for CROSS JOIN LATERAL. See:

    3. Compute the display date the_day and its daily_rate in the outer SELECT.

    There is a lot of fine print to this kind of calculation:

    To avoid undefined corner cases and ambiguities with time zones vs. local time and daylight saving time, I build on the data type daterange for time_span instead of tstzrange like your sample data suggests.

    Like your sample data suggests, I base monthly slices off the actual start date in timespan, not the first of the month.

    I assume you want to end the time series with the current date, so I use LEAST instead of COALESCE. (And another LEAST for a different reason.)

    I divide the rate by the actual number of days in each monthly slice.

    rate should be type numeric to avoid rounding errors and work with round() out of the box.

    I assume all columns NOT NULL.

    Note that date - date → int and date + int → date.

    I base the first generate_series() call on timestamp, not date, because:

    Your actual query will use the actual current date (or timestamp) instead of the given, fixed 2023-09-05 for "today":

    SELECT mon_start::date + i AS the_day, round(rate/mon_days, 3) AS daily_rate, *
    FROM   budgets b
       SELECT *,  LEAST(mon_start + interval '1 month', LOCALTIMESTAMP)::date - mon_start::date AS mon_days
       FROM   generate_series (lower(timespan)::timestamp
                             , LEAST(upper(timespan)::timestamp, LOCALTIMESTAMP)  -- !
                             , interval '1 month') mon_start
       ) m
         , generate_series (0, m.mon_days - 1) i
    WHERE  id = $id;
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