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I have a table containing measurement information of several tests per devices:

  • device_id gives the information on which device was tested
  • measurement_no is an incrementing number giving the order in which tests has been performed
  • test gives you the name of the test which is performed
  • is_last_measurement_on_test is a boolean field, giving the information if the specific row is the last measurement of a test. It returns true, if the row is the last row of the device for an specific test. It returns false, if there is a subsequent row of the same device for the same test.
  • ok gives information is the test was okay (=true) or not okay (=false)
  • error_code gives you a specific error code if ok=false, or 0 if ok=true
WITH measurements (device_id,measurement_no,test,is_last_measurement_on_test,ok,error_code) AS ( VALUES
  -- case 1: all measurements good, expecting to show test 3 only
  -- case 2: test 2, expecting to show test 2 only
  -- case 3: test 2 und 3 bad, expecting to show test 2 only
  -- case 4: test 2 bad on first try, second time good, expecting to show test 3 only
select * from measurements
where is_last_measurement_on_test=true

Now I want to filter these rows on following conditions per device:

  • Only the last measurement on each test should be considered -> that’s easy: filtering on is_last_measurement_on_test=true
  • For every device: If there is a bad result (ok=false) in any test where is_last_measurement_on_test=true, I want to display the first test on which the device failed.
  • For every device: If there is no bad result at all (ok=true) in any test where is_last_measurement_on_test=true, I want to display the last test on which the device passed.

For the given example above, I am expecting that only these rows to display:


How can I receive this result? I already tried a lot on using first_value, for example

first_value(nullif(error_code,0)) over (partition by device_id)

but i wasn’t able to handle it in the way I wanted it to be.



  1. Having this sample data:

    CREATE TABLE measurements (
      device_id text,
      measurement_no integer,
      test text,
      is_last_measurement_on_test boolean,
      ok boolean,
      error_code integer
    INSERT INTO measurements (device_id, measurement_no, test, is_last_measurement_on_test, ok, error_code)
      ('d1', 1, 'test1', true, true, 0),
      ('d1', 2, 'test2', true, true, 0),
      ('d1', 3, 'test3', true, true, 0),
      ('d2', 1, 'test1', true, true, 0),
      ('d2', 2, 'test2', true, false, 100),
      ('d2', 3, 'test3', true, true, 0),
      ('d3', 1, 'test1', true, true, 0),
      ('d3', 2, 'test2', true, false, 100),
      ('d3', 3, 'test3', true, false, 200),
      ('d4', 1, 'test1', true, true, 0),
      ('d4', 2, 'test2', false, false, 100),
      ('d4', 3, 'test2', true, true, 0),
      ('d4', 4, 'test3', true, true, 0);

    It will be like:

    WITH DataSource AS
      SELECT *
           ,MIN(CASE WHEN ok = false THEN test END) OVER (PARTITION BY device_id) AS first_failed_test
           ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY device_id ORDER BY test DESC) AS test_id
      FROM measurements
      WHERE is_last_measurement_on_test = true
    SELECT device_id, measurement_no, test, is_last_measurement_on_test, ok, error_code
    FROM DataSource
    WHERE (first_failed_test IS NULL and test_id = 1)
        OR (first_failed_test = test)

    enter image description here

    The idea is get the name of the first fail test and to order the test using row_number starting from the latest one.

    The important part is that here I am ordering the test by there name. In your real scenario, I am guessing you have an record_id or date, which can be used to do this. So, you will need to change a little bit the code.

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  2. distinct on gets you the one, "top" record per device_id.

    order by lets you establish the order according to which a record might or might not end up on "top". Since your 2nd and 3rd case require opposite ordering/priority of tests per device_id:

    1. earliest negative record when there are negatives
    2. latest record if there are no negatives

    You can flip that order accordingly, with a case.

    select distinct on (device_id) * 
    from measurements 
    where is_last_measurement_on_test
    order by device_id,   --Necessary for distinct on to return one row per device_id
             not ok desc, --If all is ok for a device_id, this does nothing. 
                          --Otherwise it'll put negative tests results first
             (case when not ok then -1 else 1 end)*measurement_no desc;
                          --When considering negative test results, it'll 
                          --put earliest first. Otherwise it'll put latest first.

    It’s a common misconception that order by section is somehow restricted to plain column names or aliases. Meanwhile, quoting the doc, it gives you as much freedom as select section does:

    The sort expression(s) can be any expression that would be valid in the query’s select list.

    Online demo.

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