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Get the average traffic from last week data per WEEK number and get the traffic data for last week Traffic(D-7)

For example if date = 5/13/2023, need to output traffic data (Traffic(D-7)) for date = 5/6/2023

enter image description here

I manage to get the Average but no idea how to retrieve the date-7 data and output it altogether

create table a
date  varchar(50),
Tname varchar(50),
Week varchar(5),
Traffic float

insert into  a values ('5/1/2023', 'ID1', '18', 7.98)
insert into  a values ('5/2/2023', 'ID1', '18', 4.44)
insert into  a values ('5/3/2023', 'ID1', '18', 5.66)
insert into  a values ('5/4/2023', 'ID1', '18', 10.01)
insert into  a values ('5/5/2023', 'ID1', '18', 9.41)
insert into  a values ('5/6/2023', 'ID1', '18', 6.71)
insert into  a values ('5/7/2023', 'ID1', '18', 8.24)
insert into  a values ('5/8/2023', 'ID1', '19', 8.97)
insert into  a values ('5/9/2023', 'ID1', '19', 6.74)
insert into  a values ('5/10/2023', 'ID1', '19', 6.45)
insert into  a values ('5/11/2023', 'ID1', '19', 9.33)
insert into  a values ('5/12/2023', 'ID1', '19', 8.08)
insert into  a values ('5/13/2023', 'ID1', '19', 8.36)

SELECT date, Tname, Week,
ORDER BY week!18/538b7/3



  1. First of all, you need to fix your flaws in your table schema design, and declare:

    • dates with the "DATE" type (instead of VARCHAR(50))
    • week values with the INT type (instead of VARCHAR(5))
    • traffic values with the DECIMAL type (instead of FLOAT)
        DATE      DATE,
        Tname     VARCHAR(50),
        Week      INT,
        Traffic   DECIMAL(4,2)

    Once you’ve carried it out, you can solve this problem by:

    • creating a ranking value for each day of the week in your weeks, using ROW_NUMBER
    • extracting your traffic value from previous week with LAG, by partitioning on your ranking created at previous step, and ordering on the week_number.
    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT date, Tname, Week, Traffic,
               ROUND(AVG(Traffic) OVER(PARTITION BY Week), 2)     AS AVGTraffic,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Week ORDER BY Date) AS week_day
        FROM tab
    SELECT date, Tname, Week, 
           LAG(Traffic) OVER(PARTITION BY week_day ORDER BY Week) AS prevweek_traffic,
    FROM cte
    ORDER BY Week, week_day

    And if you realize that you may have holes among your weeks (…, week 17, week 18, week 20, week 21, …) and specifically want values from the exact previous week (that may be missing), you can add a filter on the LAG function, that checks if week and previous week are consecutive:

    CASE WHEN LAG(Week) OVER(PARTITION BY week_day ORDER BY Week) = Week-1
         THEN LAG(Traffic) OVER(PARTITION BY week_day ORDER BY Week) 

    (in place of LAG(Traffic) OVER(...) only)


    date tname week prevweek_traffic avgtraffic
    2023-05-01T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-02T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-03T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-04T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-05T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-06T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-07T00:00:00.000Z ID1 18 null
    2023-05-08T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 7.98
    2023-05-09T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 4.44
    2023-05-10T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 5.66
    2023-05-11T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 10.01
    2023-05-12T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 9.41
    2023-05-13T00:00:00.000Z ID1 19 6.71

    Check the demo here.

    Note (1): The last ORDER BY clause is not needed. It’s there just for visualization purposes.

    Note (2): This solution assumes you have 7 evaluations per week, each made in a separate day.

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  2. Use the window function LAG with a 7 PRECEDING frame to catch the values from 7 days ago, so that you can avoid using unnecessary subqueries or even self joins, e.g.

      date, Tname, Week,
      LAG(traffic,7) OVER (PARTITION BY tname ORDER BY tname,to_date(date,'mm/dd/yyyy')),
      AVG(traffic)   OVER (PARTITION BY week,tname)
    FROM a
    ORDER BY tname,week;
       date    | tname | week |  lag  |        avg        
     5/1/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/2/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/3/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/4/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/5/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/6/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/7/2023  | ID1   | 18   |       | 7.492857142857143
     5/8/2023  | ID1   | 19   |  7.98 | 7.988333333333333
     5/9/2023  | ID1   | 19   |  4.44 | 7.988333333333333
     5/10/2023 | ID1   | 19   |  5.66 | 7.988333333333333
     5/11/2023 | ID1   | 19   | 10.01 | 7.988333333333333
     5/12/2023 | ID1   | 19   |  9.41 | 7.988333333333333
     5/13/2023 | ID1   | 19   |  6.71 | 7.988333333333333
    (13 rows)


    • this query assumes there is only one measurement per date/tname
    • Consider changing the data type of "date" to date. I had to cast it to make the query work properly.

    Demo: db<>fiddle

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  3. Try a left self-join as the following:

           t2.traffic traffic_D7,
           AVG(t1.traffic) OVER(PARTITION BY t1.week) AS AVTraffic
    FROM a t1 LEFT JOIN a t2
    ON = + interval '7 day'


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